Hello! I'm Roanam, and I'm 26 years old.
Cosplayer; artist; photographer.
If you like my cosplays PLEASE follow my Insta. I rarely exist anywhere else.
Check out my gallery if you want to, or just leave a comment on something. I'd LOVE to hear from you guys! Comments and favorites make my life. c;
Requests and Art Trades will be considered.
★ Lavi Bookman(casual & Zombie.)
★ Roxas (Days.)
★ Sora(Casual/Street clothes with KH2 top.)
★ Yuna (Final Fantasy X-2)
★ Link(Oracle of Seasons--NEEDS TO BE redone.)
★ Hilda(Pokemon Black/White--hate must be redone.)
★ Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan) - No jacket
★ Rei Ryugazaki (Free!) -No jacket, no pants.
★ Korra (Legend of Korra)
★ Blake Belladonna (RWBY- Roosterteeth)
★ Vol2 Blake (RWBY-Roosterteeth)
★ Sebastian Castellanos (The Evil Within) needs -belt/pouches.
★ Jaune Arc (RWBY) - needs shield.
★ Jaune Arc (RWBY) - Vol 4 armor.
★ Junko Enoshima (Dangan Ronpa)
★ Tsumiki Mikan (Super Dangan Ronpa 2) Trying to sell cosplay.
★ Crow (Fragile Dreams)
★ Henceforward Au: Blake Belladonna (Kumafromtaiiwan)
★ Yandere-chan (Lovesick: Yandere Simulator) - yellow uniform.
★ Takumi (FE: Fates) - halfway.
★ Sumia (FE: Awakening) - haven't started yet.
★ Soleil (FE: Fates) - Dancer outfit.
★ Ryuji Sakomoto (Persna 5)
★ Link (Breath of the Wild) - Hylian Set with hood.
★ David Jr (Minish Cap/Wind Waker) - hes the white Tingle 'brother'
★ Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
★ Morgan (FE: Heroes)
My Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/ManaRoana…
AMV Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/simplenar…
Group Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/XxSimpleF…
Art Tumblr: www.roanams-art.tumblr.com
Email: roanambutts@gmail.com