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Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
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Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1669)
Painter's Palette Cake: Use when mixing delicious colored frosting (4)
My Bio

Full time Science teacher, hobbyist photographer.

Current Residence: England
Favourite genre of music: Still anything I can sing to
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: My yellow Ipod nano
Favourite cartoon character: Garfield the cat.
Favourite quote: “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” —B.B. King

Other Interests
writing, comedy, music, photography, friends photography, nature, anything pretty
Yesterday was the last day of the weirdest school year I have yet been a part of. I feel like I haven't been "Miss Garrard" in her usual role in months though I've worked continually throughout. In the UK there seems to be a culture of teacher under-appreciation. We moan, we're lazy, we get a 6 week Summer (which we don't get paid for), we don't care etc. Yesterday our senior leaders led a presentation which nearly had me in happy tears. Looking around the gym at 30 fellow members of staff (another 30 were in the hall, another 30 in the sports hall - they linked us all up via Microsoft Teams). I saw an exhausted team of dedicated professionals who badly needed to hear this message: What followed was over 30 minutes of upbeat music and slides we'd all put together for each other thanking each other for the support, the passion and the kindness we'd shard over the past year. My face hurt from smiling. Yes, it's been a tough year. Yes, I'm scared to go back in September. Yes, I'm
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I had a suggestion from another deviant that the default deviant art copyright symbol was somewhat obtrusive and takes away from the photo underneath, so they suggested I have a go at creating my own logo. It's been a long time since I've had a play around properly with GIMP but I thought I'd have a go at making a custom brush with an "RL Garrard Photography" logo! Before I plaster it all over my new deviations however I'd really value some feedback. Do you like my logo? Does it detract from the picture? Is it worse than the deviant art default? Please be critical, I want to get it right, particularly while I have a bit more free time to correct it. Many thanks friends! Becca x EDIT: I had a play and got rid of the rectangle! My fiance did point out that a watermark is meant to avoid picture thieves so had a bit more of a play around...
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As well as using lockdown time to work on uploading some bright colourful photography, scrapbooking, baking and painting, I've also been working on developing my Bucket List and creating a blog to share my passions. I'd really appreciate some feedback from you lovely artistic folks about the look of the website in particular, but also the content and how easy it is to navigate. www.beccas700.co.uk (or, and I'm really proud of this, just Google "becca's 700") Thank you very much in advance for your time! Becca x
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Profile Comments 11.5K

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caddman's avatar

...:w00t:thank you my friend for the FavesSS...cheers...  :wave:  ...:w00t: ...

RealMantis's avatar

thanks for the suport ;P

AnnaZLove's avatar

Hello, dear friend!

I often exhibit your works in my  journals, but I don't have the opportunity to report it in person every time. Notifications from the DA work intermittently. Therefore, if you want to see your works and get acquainted with the works of other authors, you can periodically (1-2 times a month) visit my page in the journals section. It's here:


Have a great day! With love, Anna))) 🧡🧡🧡

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