pal-isrSGrkainne on DeviantArt

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I know I will get flak for this post. I am NOT an anti-Semite just because I am against genocide. I do NOT wish the Israelis harm or destruction, I wish for coexistence of all peoples. Learn from history, no people is exempt from violence or hate.

Peaceful coexistence, now.

I have closed the comments section on this piece because of all the hateful and disrespectful comments thrown at me while not seeing my message itself. Personal biases are part of how we perceive reality but not challenging them is how we remain victims and perpetrators. I an not change anyone's bias or narrative, I can only explore and manage my own. More on this subject on a new Journal page I am writing. As always, my intent is to be inclusive, loving and rational. Stay safe and healthy, everyone. I mean EVERYONE, whether you agree with me or not...
Chose kindness...
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1056x816px 219.97 KB
Royce-Rasmussen's avatar

I agree with you 100%

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