Schwarzenburg Reich - Weissland History
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- Pre-History:
- Lithic age (1.500.000 - 9.000 VEZ):
The people of Weissland are originated from the Dohrn people, from the continent Uwith. Which is located far in the southeast of the souther ocean. The Dohrn people were nomadic tribes who lived mostly by hunting and foraging in the forests of Uwith. The Dohrn Saga is one of the oldest tales known in Weissland, which tells the history of the emigration from the people of Dohrn from Uwith to Weissland led by the chieftain Rödbahrd.
The people of Dohrn arrived in Weissland somewhere around 15.000 VEZ, and since then they started to settle all around the continent from South to North throught the litoral zone, due to the extreme cold and dangers in the center of the continent. As the years passed the people in Dohrn started to differenciate culturally and linguistically, causing the people of Dohrn to fragment and to form the first weisslandish tribes each one with it's own cheftain.
It is believed that a few centures after the cultural division of the Dohrn people, the new Weisslandish people started using agriculture and animal domestication, which caused them to abandon the nomadic life and start the sedentary life. The oldest settlementes excavated in weissland are located in the western region of Weissland, region which belonged to the Trihgrn people, and are dated from around 9.500 VEZ.
The exact or approximate date is unknow, but some weisslandish tribes managed to settle in the center of Weissland. As the region is dangerous and cold, most of them became isolated. It is believed that they started settling in the center before the creation of agriculture, since they were reported to be nomadic when they were discovered later by the general Olford Eisenfaust during his expedition to the unknown lands in the Middle ages. But due to other reportings by the same, it is believed there were tribes who settled in the center of Weissland after the Lithic ages.
- First Metallic age (9.000 - 8.000 VEZ):
The First Metallic age takes two historical ages, the Prehistory and the Classic age. The First Metallic age is marked by the discovery of metallurgy, where the first tools of copper started being used by the weisslandish tribes. The oldest metal tool ever found in Weissland was unburied in a settlement on the northwest, which belonged to the Ihgurn tribe, since it is the oldest metal tool ever found, it is believed that the Ihgurn were who invented the metallurgy.
With the appearance of metal tools, many tribes and cultures were extinct due to slaughtering or assimilation during wars. According to the Saga of Copper, which was a legend written by an annonymous artist from the First Metallic Age, the Mohrim tribe which was the own people from the original Dohrn, was assimulated by the Girihn tribe giving an end to the original Dohrn culture.
In the middle of the First Metallic age the Girihn tribe, after defeating and assimilating the Augur and Narirn tribes, created the first kingdom of Weissland Augirihnaria.
In the west of Weissland, the tribes Höj, Strohhall, Jolhall, Ihgurn, Argarhaim and Fildr, evolved into kingdoms, but it is unknown the exact or approximate dates of their creation, it is believed they were created short before the first Metallic Age. Despite being unknown the date of the creation of the first kingdoms of the west of Weissland. It is known that in the middle of the First Metallic age, the tribes Höj and Strohall united formed the dual monarchy Höj-Strohhall.
Around 8.000 VEZ, the first writting system was invented by the eastern people, the Augirihnaria, ending the Pre-historic age and beginning the Classic age.
- Classic History:
- First Metallic age (8.000 - 7.000 VEZ):
In the beginning of the Classic History, the kingdom of Fildr started to expand itself to the east, claiming the southwestern territory of the Ihgurn tribes. Fildr also started a war with Argarhaim. Fildr won and acquired the north of Argahaim.
Around 7.800 VEZ, the tyranny of the queen Ebba Feuerstein led the kingdom of Höj-Strohhall into an economical crisis which led into a revolt that progressed into a civil war. The civil war lasted for ten years and in the end it was suppressed. Two years after the Civil war, Ebba was murdered and replaced by her daughter Ealdgyd.
In 7.689 VEZ, the kingdoms of the west suffered with the Plague of Ihgurn. A epidemy of Tuberculosis that first started in the kingdom Ihgurn and spreaded throught the kingdoms of Höj-Strohhall, Argarhaim amd Fildr. The Plague of Ihgurn claimed 50% of Ihgurn's population, 33% of Höj-Strohhall's, 24% of Argarhaim's and 43% of Fildr's.
Around 7.400 VEZ, Jolhall started a war with Ihgurn, which in the end Ihgurn was victorious.
Around 7.300 VEZ, the northern tribe Zohlfdir evolved into a kingdom.
In 7.280 VEZ, the Zohlfdir kingdom expanded north and reached the northern sea of Weissland.
In 7.133 VEZ, the northern tribe Todfor evolved into a kingdom.
In 7.112 VEZ, the kingdom of Todfor expands itself north and nortwest. They start a war with the Argenir tribe, which in the end, the Argenir tribe lost and is expelled further north and west.
In 7.057 VEZ, the king Deorwine of Fildr married the queen Hilda of Argarhaim. Causing Argarhaim to be unified to Fildr, forming the kingdom of Filgarheim.
- Second Metallic age (7.000 - 5.000 VEZ):
The Second Metallic age starts in 7.000 VEZ with the discovery of the bronze by the people of Augirihnaria. The discovery of the bronze led Augirihnaria to improve their machinery and become the most powerful kingdom in Weissland. This new upgrade let Augirihnaria to expand their frontiers to the northeast regions of the continent, defeating and assimilating the Hirmirn, Uhrm tribes and the southern lands of the Lohnir people.
Somewhere near the beginning of the Second Metallic age, the Jolnir tribe united and formed the Jolnir kingdom and expanded their territory until reach the frontier of the western Augirihnaria.
In 6.900 VEZ, the king Brynyar III of Augirihnaria founded the Augirihnarian empire and made himself the emperor of it, changing his name to Brynyar Brassbeard. Brynyar Brassbeard reigned for 68 years.
In 6.880 VEZ, the Argenir tribe started a war against the Zohlfdir kingdom, in the end, the Argenir tribe lost the war.
In 6.860 VEZ, the Todfor kingdom started a war against the Argenir tribe, in the end, Todfor won and acquired the entire southern lands of the Argenir tribe, connecting itself to the Zohlfdir kingdom.
In 6.828 VEZ, the Augirihnarian empire starts a war with the Jolnir tribe. During the war, the Augirihnarian empire suffers a epidemy of Smallpox in the south, which claimed 35% of the Augirihnarian population and 85% of it's army as it was concentrated in the south to fight the Jolnir tribe. As the Augirihnarian empire couldn't continiue they were forced to retreat.
According to the Epic of the King Blondhaar, the Argenir tribes after recovering itself from the slaughter of other tribes, and the hunger brought by the winter. The tribes recovered themselves and after being united under the command of the chieftain Maorolf Blondbart, they started a war against the Todfor kingdom, in the end, the Argenir tribe won the war and claimed the entire Todfor kingdom lands. After that they expanded west starting a war against the Zohlfdir kingdom which they won and assimilated the entire kingdom. They expanded further west defeating and assimilating the Helbor tribes, and to the east defeating and assimilating the Ulmith people reaching the Lohnir mountains in the northeast of Weissland. After the tribes conquering the north of Weissland, in 6.800 VEZ the chieftain Blondhaar founded the Argenir kingdom which he became the first king.
Around 6.700 VEZ, a people called Trigarians arrived in the south of Weissland. They first arrived at the Dohrn coast and settled up there.
In 6.660 VEZ, they began attacking and expanding their frontier to the north, west and east of the Dohrn plains. The Trigarians, due to their traditional tactics, conquered the Jolnir highlands in the southwest of Weissland, defeating the Jolnir people and forcing them to emigrate west into the western kingdoms. They also conquered the western and southern provinces of Augirihnaria, which were located in the southeast of Weissland, making the Augirihnarians lose their original homeland and forcing them to emigrate to their eastern and northern provinces.
During the Olford Eisenfaust's campaign to conquer the unknown lands, it was reported they found settlements in use by the Trigarians. Later, archeological investigations revealed ruins of settlements which has been found to be of Trigarian origins. Further investigations in the Trigarian documented history revealed that Trigarians attempted two times to expand their frontiers into the center of Weissland in the years of 6000-5000 VEZ, and four times during the years of 500-0 VEZ. All their attempts resulted in isolation from the homeland and later destruction of their settlers by the cold, lack of food and slaughter from barbaric tribes. With the exception of the settlements conquered by Olford Eisenfaust during his campaign.
In 6.500 VEZ, an economical crisis led Filgarheim a civil war during 50 years, in the end, Filgarheim was divided in three different lands: Fildr, Argarhaim and Bernhall. Short after the division, Fildr started a war to retake the former Bern province, now Bernhall, to Fildr. After two years of war, the kingdom of Fildr lost making Bernhall to keep it's independance.
In 6.480 VEZ, the Augirihnarian empire started a campaign to retake their entire former western and southern lands back from the Trigarians. After twenty years of campaign, the Augirihnarians conquered the western Augur mountains, the Girihn plains and the Narirn highlands back. But due to the Trigarian resistance and the winter arrival, the Augirihnarians couldn't advance into the Dohrn and the Mohrim plains.
In 6.400 VEZ, the kingdom of Höj-Strohhall faced a epidemy of Tuberculosis, The Plague of Höj, which ended infecting the entire continent of Weissland.
In 6.390 VEZ, due to the economic crisis brought by the Plage of Höj, the kingdom of Höj-Strohhall got divided forming the Kingdom of Strohhall and the kingdom of Höjhall.
In 6.350 VEZ, the people of the Zohlfdir region started a civil war for independance from Argenir. The civil war lasted from 60 years ending in 6.290 VEZ with the victory of Argenir. In the same year, the kingdom of Höjhall and Strohhall started a war which lasted until the Truce of Tiwaz in 6.280 VEZ.
In 6.280, the barbaric tribe called Rädskulle by the western people came from the center of Weissland and invaded the western kingdoms, which due to their strategies and skills in combat, they conquered the west and southwest of Weissland, destroyed many cities and a big part of the population from the regions was slaughtered. The Jolnir-zone Trigarians lost 60% it's population, Höjhall lost 50%, Bernhall lost 85%, Strohhall lost 62%, Jolhall lost 48%, Ihgurn lost 49%, Argarhaim lost 79% and Fildr lost 56% of it's population. The entire west of Weissland and southwest felt into the domain of the Rädskulle, starting the Dark Ages of the West, where the surviving population had to move to Argenir, or start new settlements under Rädskulle domain. This age is called dark ages due to the fact the history of the Rädskulle was very little registrated, they raided constantly the other lands Augirihnaria, Trigarian, Argenir and the other lands settled by other weisslandish tribes and the kingdoms of the west with all their traces of civilization were wiped out. Short after the conquest of the western lands, the Rädskulle moved further east to attack Trigaria. In the first months the trigarians resisted and kept the Rädskulle away, but later, the Rädskulle defeated the Trigarian defenses and conquered the Dohrn plains. The Trigarians built their forces north in the Mohrim plains, the Rädskulle faced heavy resistance.
According to archeological findings on the island of Wolfhaus, it was revealed that the Rädskulle settled there. It is believed the settled in the island short after their conquest of the west.
In 6.270 VEZ, the Rädskulle attacked Argenir, but as the Argenirish were already prepared, the Rädskulle faced heavy resistance in the frontiers.
In 6.260 VEZ, the kingdom of Argenir started an alliance with the Augirihnarian empire and the Trigarian kingdom forming the league of White, and started a war with the Rädskulle tribe. Later in 6.255 VEZ, the people of Fildr started a revolted against the Rädskulle, which later inspired the people from the former Höjhall, Strohhall, Jolhall, Ihgurn, Argarhaim and Bernhall to revolt too. In 6.140 VEZ, the Rädskulle conquered the Mohrim plains, forcing Trigaria to leave the league as it was defeated. The Rädskulle then advanced to the Augirihnarian frontier and start attacking the Augirihnarian empire. In 6.020 VEZ, the League attacked and released Argarhaim and Ihgurn from the Rädskulle. In 5.950 VEZ, the League came to an end, as the Augirihnarian left the league making Argenir to fight the Rädskulle alone.
The Trigarians revolts weakened the Rädskulle, and in 6.100 VEZ, the Trigarians released the Mohrim plains. In the following years, they resisted the next raids from the Rädskulle.
The reason for the Augirihnarian empire leaving the league is that the empire started facing a civil war, brought by a economic crisis from the constant raids of the Rädskulle in the imperial territory, and in 5.900 VEZ, the Augirihnarian empire collapsed, causing the Augirihnarian empire to break into the kingdoms of Augurhall, Narirnberg, Gihirin, Hirmirnrein and Uhrmhall.
In 5.890 VEZ, the Argenir king Karl der Glatzkopf started a campaign to release the western kingdoms from the Rädskulle and expell them back to the center of Weissland. The campaign lasted for ten years. The king Karl was killed in battle by an arrow to the chest just two years after the end of the campaign, making his son Hereward Jungmann to continue it. After releasing the entire west from the Rädskulle and taking the city of Strohhall, the Rädskulle attempted to retake the city short after. Hereward and the Argenirish army faced the Rädskulle chieftain Harjawaldaz along his army on the battle of Jolnir river. The Rädskulle were defeated and Harjawaldaz was killed in battle.
In 5.880 VEZ, the Trigarians launched an offensive to take back the Dohnr plains and the Jolnir region from the Rädskulle. In 5.878 VEZ, the Trigarians released the Dohnr plains and advanced into the Jolnir highlands, which they released in 5.870 VEZ when they defeated the last Rädskulle army led by the chieftain Awelltun in the Leiwen river. Putting an end in the age of the Rädskulle in Weissland.
very nice story my friend :.
If you want, I can translated to spanish.