Waltz of the Flowersrivertem on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rivertem/art/Waltz-of-the-Flowers-107043340rivertem

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Waltz of the Flowers



I love the Nutcracker, and I love the story that the movie "Barbie in The Nutcracker" uses (yeah I did just say that, shhh. They make good movies once you get past the fact that it's Barbie. XD).

Anyway, I think I've done all I can with this picture to try and salvage it. It was fine until I started colouring it. :XD: Why does this happen to me. WHY?!

Oh well. I just need more practice. Still. But I suppose I have improved a lot since the start of this year to now. Well, I hope I have, and it looks like it.

I'll probably try to colour this again at a later stage... but until then, have a merry Christmas!


Brushes by :iconredheadstock:
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791x1308px 851.93 KB
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MightyMelleR's avatar
oohhh. Great job!

I've always wanted to see the ballet. u_u