Naruto and Rin - Strong BondRivaAnime on DeviantArt

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Naruto and Rin - Strong Bond



Another great commission picture done for me by my good friend :iconbob-raigen:.

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*I wanted to just mention that in this collage picture, that yes, that is Rin from InuYasha who has grown into a strong and independent young woman :D and also, yes her eye-color is now purple instead of them being brown when she was a kid but there is a perfect explanation as to why they came to be that color.*    

From the anti-Sakura and Sasuke collages I had done a while back that many people liked :D I think it was time for a more POSITIVE side to things as in my other crossover with the Naruto-verse where it showed Rin not getting along well with two of her team-mates much: Ongoing clashes and friendship building: UPDATED it does show her having a nice, tender (non-romantic) moment with Naruto as she works on healing him from some wounds. So, I figured that it was time to have a collage done that would show the type of friendship/relationship that Naruto and Rin have with each other. 

I want to go on the record RIGHT NOW and say that they are not a couple and don't see each other in a romantic light but when they first met as preteens Naruto did state that she was very cute (even cuter then Sakura) but over time it does grow but not into a romantic relationship as Rin's heart already belongs to Sesshomaru and vice-versa but this collage is to show the type of relationship that Naruto and Rin have with one another. Also, Naruto is what they would call a "shipper on deck" when it comes to Rin's marriage to… 

Upper right hand picture: Rin and Naruto take a moment to goof off when an unknown villager takes a picture of the two as they relax in between a mission. Unlike Sasuke and Sakura who find Naruto to be annoying, Rin finds him to be quite unique and likes his energy and his determination. Naruto also likes having Rin around as there is something very calming and positive about her and always gets happy when he sees her smile :aww:

Lower right hand picture: A teenage Naruto smiles as he holds an unconscious Rin in his arms. She just put up one heck of a fight against an enemy and has just shown her teammates how much she has also grown during the two year time skip. Someone is talking to Naruto as he holds her commenting on her skills and Naruto can't help but smile proudly about it. He knows first hand that with Rin's strong determined heart and spirit, just like him she never gives up when faced with a difficult challenge. 

Center picture: This is 2 years after the Fourth Shinobi World War and before the events of Naruto: The Last. The two stand proudly next to each other as Rin displays her beautiful sword its' glowing white ribbon wraps around them. Now before you say it, "Yes" that does look like Rukia's zanpakuto Sode No Shirayuki but I can guarantee you that it's not. To understand what I mean I would recommend reading this: Lovely Sode No Shirayuki. It is a sword all it's own that bears a striking resemblance to Sode No Shirayuki but it has a different name and only Rin can yield it's powers. :D Just like Naruto, Rin has also "upgraded" her outfit and no longer wears sandals and has gone back to being barefoot but she does wear special wrappings that keep her feet from getting injured and blistered easily. 

Bottom left hand picture: Naruto and Rin are sitting in a tree (NO K-I-S-S-I-N-G) enjoying a wonderful sunny afternoon as they are taking a short break as Rin was training with Naruto to teach him how to control his chakra more. Naruto likes training with Rin and finds it fun as he states that she does find ways to make the training sessions interesting and seems to invent new ways to catch him off guard and getting him to concentrated on using and controlling his chakra better.  

Upper left hand picture: This takes place either before the fight with Pain or before the start of the Fourth Shinobi World War. Rin holds Naruto close as she glares towards the shoreline at an unknown group of rogue ninjas. Naruto was in the middle of a important training session and Rin was checking up on him when he gets ambushed by a group of rouge ninjas and falls unconscious into the river and Rin jumps in right after him. Rin makes it very clear that they will have to go through her to get to Naruto and unfortunately...Rin is not someone you want to cross when you piss her off especially when you mess with her friends and even Naruto for that matter.  

As you can see from the collage that without a doubt Rin and Naruto share a very close bond with each other due to several reasons, Rin can understand Naruto's unfair treatment as he was looked down upon by the village due to the fox-demon sealed inside him as Rin was also met with the same treatment not just in the village that she was living in before it was massacred but (SPOILERS) Rin was also getting treated like that in the hag Kaede's village as well not just because of her relationship with the Inu-Daiyokai, Sesshomaru but was not well liked by most of the village girls for other reasons: Not So Popular (she just never told anyone about it). Rin can understand Naruto's desire to want to be acknowledged and also despite her annoyance of Sasuke she is actually the only one who can understand why Naruto is so desperate to save him from his dark path. It's because of this close bond that Naruto actually confides alot more to her then to their other teammates.  

The one thing that they are met with ALOT and much to their own annoyance is that many people especially those they meet on missions assume that they are dating. Naruto and Rin are at pains to explain that their love is completely platonic with no sexual attraction on either side.  As no matter how other people view them, they can't see each other in that light. The truth is that they do love each other greatly, but they're not in love. They really are "just" friends. Rin has once stated that loving someone like her love for Naruto, goes beyond the physical presence. She desires to see him grow, she sees past his flaws, see opportunities of building into each other and together; they motivate, encourage and inspire one another. They admit that they matter a great deal to each other, that they would die for each other, that they can't imagine life without each other. They aren't just any pair of friends. They're as close as family. They're like brother and sister! Naruto has even stated once that Rin is too important to him and if she wasn't already mated to Sesshomaru (yeah during the timeskip, her and Sesshomaru become official mates) he still wouldn't pursue her because if it didn't work out they couldn't go back to the way things were. 

I really don't think Naruto could seriously ask for a better friend or even sister :giggle: like Rin. 

Naruto Uzumaki - Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto

Rin - Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi
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3508x2552px 5.17 MB
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trentg-36's avatar
*Sniffles* Okay...who just cut the onions?!😭