Maggie beats up ShippoRivaAnime on DeviantArt

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Maggie beats up Shippo



When I stumbled on this picture of Maggie I just couldn't resist and had to create this meme as it was too funny to pass up. 

Just looking at this is making me laugh Laughing Mio (Laughing) [V2] England (Laughing) [V3] Yuuko Laughing Icon Laugh  because I could totally see Maggie kicking Shippo's worthless ass because anyone who knows The Simpsons they know that despite being a cute, little baby Wander Emote: AWW Maggie is no push-over and is a serious little miss bad-ass at times as seen from past episodes. Plus it's so funny to see that stupid fox demon get his butt handed to him not only by a baby but by a girl as well. Peace Sign Emoji

It's unknown what triggered Maggie to attack Shippo but one thing that comes to mind is that he tried to take Maggie's pacifier from her which according to is Maggie's "Berserk Button" as seen in "Crook and Ladder" from Season 18 shows that she will rampage if she's forcibly separated from her pacifier. So needless to say, he did deserve getting his butt kicked as he once again refuses to learn to keep his hands to himself.  

The others are not only shocked to see that Shippo got beaten up by a baby but begin to wonder if Maggie is a baby yokai herself to which InuYasha just says "No" and that Shippo is just stupid; which he is. 

Shippo - Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi
Maggie Simpson - The Simpsons © Matt Groening
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Antoni-Matteo-Garcia's avatar

You wanna know what would be more amusing? If Maggie gave Shippou a huge atomic wedgie and tied him up to her daycare's flagpole. That would be great entertainment right there, sister.