Hibiskusritchat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ritchat/art/Hibiskus-40417707ritchat

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ritchat's avatar




Yes, I am the original artist. :P
Proof: ritchat.blogspot.de/2010/08/ar…

Yes, you are of course allowed to get it tattooed, you don't have to ask. :)

No, please don't report art thieves to me. Please just report them on the site right away.
Getting art-thievery-pms all the time doesn't do anything but getting me upset. T_T

My homepage: www.ritchat.de
My art blog: ritchat.blogspot.com/


© ritchat
Do not use my artworks without my written permission. You are not allowed to copy or reproduce my work.

• You are free to get this design tattooed
• Please ask before using my design for any other purpose.
• If you upload this picture anywhere, credit me and link to my deviantART galery.
• You are not allowed to use this design for commercial purposes.
• Art thiefs please go to hell and fucking die. <3
Image size
682x700px 89.67 KB
© 2006 - 2025 ritchat
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xTrippingOnYoux's avatar
can I use this as a stock photo for a photo manipulation? I plan on making some photo manipulations as girls with tattoos and this one would be beautiful to use <3