Chasing The WindRisingAngelss on DeviantArt

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Chasing The Wind



See I have to believe that there's more than it seems.
More than a soul in boat in a sea of sinking dreams.
And I have to be sure, there's gonna be a cure.
Can someone draw the line? I lost that part of me that's pure.

But don't you let go yet... No it's not too late you know!…
:heart: love that band :heart:

Charlie began to feel something beside pain now... She felt lonely, hungry for the first time since the war started and she was freezing. It was pretty cold up here. Out of nowhere she started screaming. She screamed the names of her friends.
'KELLY!, MYRTHE!, CECE! LENORA?!' but the only thing she heard was her echo.
'Your friends are probably to far away to hear you.'
Charlie turned around quickly. What caused a huge pain in her back again.
She saw a pretty big horse with translucent blue wings standing in front of her.
'Who... Who are you?' Charlie said with pain in her voice.
'I am Nelani. The eternal fairy with air powers.'
'What? I always thought there were four of you.'
'That's because I'm the forgotten one. I live up high in the clouds and this is the first time since Lenysa was created that I come down. But enough talking, it seems like you could use some help and please don't tell me you don't because I know you do. So come on and climb on my back now for this time. Next time you may use your own wings again.'
Charlie stood there with her mouth opened to make objection but knew it didn't make sence.
'Ok than. But I think I can't climb on you're back...'
'No problem!'
Nelani's eyes began to glow and she lifted Charlie from the ground on her back with her air powers.
'Are you ready to go?' Nelani said
Charlie pulled herself a little forward and grabbed Nelani's wings near the back.
'Yes, ready to go!'
Nelani took a small run-up and flew away.

Out on the edge by RisingAngelss

Charlie had missed flying even though it wasn't that long ago she flew for the last time. Her hair dancing in the wind, the cold air on her face... It was what she enjoyed most of being a fairy.
'I can't believe my powers are gone.' Charlie said while staring in front of her.
'Well they're not gone... they're just blocked. I'm sorry I can't say for how long...' Nelani said.
'What am I if I don't have my powers?'
'Well, than you're the same person you've always been. Listen Charlie, there are two kinds of power sources. You've always used magic as power source. You can't learn magical power sources. They're a gift, someone gave them to you and it's a very powerful and useful source. But there's another source. It comes from inside the body and the world around you. It has always been inside you. Everyone has that power source inside them. Everyone his or her own power. For you, it are the same powers as the magical powers you use, the elements water, fire, earth and air. You're still following this?'
'Yes, I understand.'
'Good, You have to find that power source inside you. It has nothing to do with you're magical powers so they're not blocked. They can't be blocked. They're always with you.
'But how can I get to them?'
'By feeling them. you can learn to feel them by finding a master with that same power.'
'like who?'
'Like me. I can teach you how to air bend without using magic. You can even become air when you are a true master.'
'You mean like turning invisible? That's amazing!'
'It's an art that costs a lot of practising and patience. But I think you will learn it.'
'That would be the greatest thing in the world! But first I really want to search for my family and friends...'
'Of course we will search for them first.'

Charlie suddenly felt something different... something new... something she already knew but seemed so long ago... She felt... heat! She looked to her right and saw a soft light shining from the horizon.
'Nelani... is that the... sun!'
suddenly it came higher and a bunch of light blinded her.
'The curse... it's breaking! my sisters. They're liberated!' Nelani said happy.
Nelani's powers seemed to become stronger. she was flying faster and faster like they were almost chasing the wind.
Charlie started smiling and felt postive energy flowing around Nelani. Air was still the element of freedom and that was what she felt right now.

Soon they came saw land and landed there. there would be a big surprise for Charlie there...

Next part:
The Mist of Darkness by RisingAngelss

hahaha so you know, Charlie is not to little, Nelani is just a really big horse XD

Name: Chasing The Wind
Tools: Wacom Bamboo Fun pen&touch
Programmes: gimp 2.6
Time worked on this: 7 hours
Human: Charlie
Horse: Nelani (eternal fairy)
Storyline: Scars

Please don't use this without my permission!

xx - RisingAngelss
Image size
1500x1200px 1.51 MB
© 2013 - 2025 RisingAngelss
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Lunameyza's avatar
JONGUH NOER O.O Waarom geen Bastille liedje? o.O Wil je een klap met mijn atlas ofzo o.O