[Pokemon OC] Lilac, Wigglytuff and DelphoxRiriy95 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ririy95/art/Pokemon-OC-Lilac-Wigglytuff-and-Delphox-863408845Ririy95

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[Pokemon OC] Lilac, Wigglytuff and Delphox

Character  Pokemon Trainer


This Picture Remind me of a memes.... (Friendship Ended with wigglytuff, Delphox is my new best friend) (Wigglytuff Had Never Seen Such Bullshit Before)

"The beauty contest has an amazing performance from Lilac pokemons with her cool Delphox and cute Wigglytuff. They gave a dazzling display of beauty with the fire and lights. Delphox was able to steal the show with his amazing play of fire." 

Lilac is does not always take part in, but when she feel like it she joins it. She always have Wigglytuff with her in these contests, she loves the spot lights. this time she bring her Delphox and he stole the show, and Wigglytuff like 'Bruh' at him and Lilac. Lilac's Wigglytuff is a jealous when it come to lilac like someone more than her. 

What eeveelutions suit lilac the most? I am planning on giving her one, but I have not decide on which eeveelution good for her. I really woulf like to hear your opinon on it.

This idea of this picture come from briangamer36588, thank you for it. 

Lilac belong to :iconririy95:

Pokemon belong to game freak 


Lilac: 300px-May

Wigglytuff:Neesha Wigglytuff

Delphox: Wylie Delphox-1024x576
Image size
3300x1750px 1.14 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Ririy95
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They were supposed to hug, weren’t they?