LostRikae on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rikae/art/Lost-493055370Rikae

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Rikae's avatar




More details in my tumblr post rikaedraws.tumblr.com/post/101…
I felt I needed to give Liam a proper portrait since the lat was was totally not him. And I found out how horribly DIFFICULT it was to draw a puzzled expression that is not comedic or sad or horrified O_o So if you have any tips, please share! I think it could be done better but this is what I could do so far. It should be the  *wait.where was I going?” kind of puzzled/lost expression.

On another note, I was really happy to try out the backlighting. I’m so used to the same color palette for skin tone that it was somewhat of a revelation to paint this and change it up a bit. 

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709x1120px 367.21 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Rikae
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KarasuNoWabiuta's avatar
Honestly, the way you color is so good I could cry TTuTT. And the hair is nice and fluffy <33 Love love love!