Rika (AKA Me) With RyuseitaiRika-chan02 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rika-chan02/art/Rika-AKA-Me-With-Ryuseitai-581581144Rika-chan02

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Rika (AKA Me) With Ryuseitai



Wooh i'm on a roll of drawing ensemble stars!
First of all,Happy new years everyone~!!Snowman fella- Happy new year (Messages) Futur avatar Happy New Year 2011 
I present to you me with my Ensemble stars sons! AKA Nagumo Tetora,Sengoku Shinobu,Shinkai Kanata & Takamine Midori
What happen in the picture that made me scared and blushed? well I was walking peacefully at the hallway when suddenly someone grabbed my shoulders- Of course i would get scared shitless XD
I didn't know how to draw with my sons so i drew that.Yes,that's me/my avatar.I don't draw my real life self cuz i'm not really pretty

Rika belongs to me
Tetora,Shnobu,Kanata &Midori belongs to Happy elements
Art belongs to me
Background belongs to whoever made it
Game series: Ensemble stars (Phone game)

Well see you guys later~~!! Racing Girl Emoji (Lovely bye bye wave) [V3]  
CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ANIME ADAPTION THIS YEAR!!! HOPE THE HEROINE IS SO CUTE AND NOT LIKE NANAMI HARUKA (I dun like her.Legitly) Chiyo Fangirling Icon Misaki Kamiigusa (Jin Fangirling) [V1] Chiyo Fangirling Icon Kagura Sohma (Kyo fangirling) [V1] 
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© 2016 - 2025 Rika-chan02
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OTAKUgirl508's avatar
Nanami is like, legit, SO FREAKING WEAKKK!! ( as in like, personality) And...way too girly...makes my want to puke... I hope the heroine is strong in personality...Pray Or else, I will cry.