Nardragon- SwordgonRijolt on DeviantArt

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Nardragon- Swordgon



I got Dragon Quest Monsters- Joker recently, and I was depressed to find out the Swordgon wasn't in it... Until I found out it's actually called the Nardragon now. XD And I didn't know where the swords/spikes were before. Now that I have the game, I just studied the Nardragons as they tried to chase me around. XD That is fun to do.

But I gave them a more realistic look here, to meh.~

And yes, I have one right now. :3 His name is Miles (he was a pain to breed/ synthesize since all the creatures I knew were in a different category, sooo.), and I have captured 2 others that I plan to breed, and create a lineage of them. i know that they aren't the best monster choice, but i couldn't care less.
Image size
1115x888px 635.21 KB
HP pstc4400
Date Taken
Sep 3, 2010, 6:24:12 PM
© 2010 - 2025 Rijolt
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SylxeriaGuardian's avatar
Welp, super-ancient comment and you might have discovered yourself by now but...

I just learned (Playing an import of DWM2's remake)  that the Nardragon actually isn't the Swordgon afterall. It's like.... A younger version of it, and its Japanese name is  いっかく竜 which Google Translate doesn't give any meaningful result to, but I've been told a more proper rendering of its name would be "Horned Dragon"
While the Swordgon we all knew is a Size-2 monster closely resembling its old design, and still goes by its name of ソードドラゴン (Swordgon; Lit "Sword Dragon")

Swordgon by SylxeriaGuardian   See? Handsome as usual :D
Though I still believe you made him look fantastic as well!  <3