From the Darkness to the Light: Impera Ra!Rigidsttructure on DeviantArt

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From the Darkness to the Light: Impera Ra!



"Break out!(Intense Chorus)With the past and present flowing through my veins, I stand
proud to protect my love! This is who I truly fully am, who am I you may ask? I am!
Kamen Rider ~ Impera Ra~! All Out!

Rider Statistics

Rider Weight: 89.5 Kg
Rider Height: 1.87 Meters

Ability Parameters

Punching Power: 29.9 Tons
Kicking Power: 51.3 Tons
Maximum Jump Height: 200 Meters / Infinite (due to flight)
Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 0.8 Sec.

Debut: Kamen Rider Saga: Impera Chapter

Impera Ra is Impera's Ra-based final form, accessed by inserting the Impera Sync into the
Imperial Pusher and then into the Break Loader.

Impera's stats are boosted to such a degree that it rivals Excell Unlimited, with even slighty
higher kicking power and jumping height.

In this form, Impera has access to all of Impera Sutekh's powers as well as adding new ones
to the mix, like high-speed flight, energy manipulation and light generation.

Her defenses are also raised considerably, allowing her to take incoming punishment with more
resilience and not losing and inch of her flexibility.

Alongside the finisher she possessed in her other forms (now suped up considerably), she
gains a new finisher:

Rising Sun: Impera takes off into the sky and performs a flying side kick while being 
                     accompanied by flashabcks of the people she cares/cared the most in her entire
                     life, engulfed in golden energy.

This form's theme is called "
Cursed Princess: Final Chapter".

Image size
2024x3450px 1.2 MB
CanoScan LiDE 220
Date Taken
Jul 9, 2021, 1:00:16 PM
© 2021 - 2025 Rigidsttructure
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