Fuchsia Fantroll: Leugen FurtumRiftling on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/riftling/art/Fuchsia-Fantroll-Leugen-Furtum-443792272Riftling

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Fuchsia Fantroll: Leugen Furtum



Guess who decided to draw her second fantroll to be designed?

Yeee I haven't designed their clothes but I know more or less with their faces. More or less. The painful part is that I had several sketchs of her and i can't find them to confirm minor hairstyle details. It did take me several tries to paint this because the eyes, the eyes! But I'm proud of it. For now. It's definetly better than Onilia (sorry sweetheart).

2 down 11 to go :D

So with type housekeeping out of the way, here's her info (or what I have so far - which is really nothing compared to Onilia)

Name: Leugen Furtum
Lusus: Krakenbeast (?)
God Tier: Thief of Rage

Image size
1558x1995px 1.57 MB
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margaretvevo's avatar
mine's last name is furtum too omg