Hi. I'm Ricky. I'm a huge fan of Kung Fu Panda, Ben 10 and prehistoric and living animals like Dinosaurs, ancient birds, ancient amphibians, ancient reptiles and mammals.
Hey. I like the art dude. : )
Are you accept request?
It's nice of you to ask but unfortunately I don't.
Hello There! How Are You?
You Make Some Really Good Art!
Also, I Hope I Don’t Sound Rude When Saying This But, Are You Able to Accept Any Requests?
If So, Are You Comfortable with Them Being Transformation Related?
It’s OK If you Say No…
I Hope You Understand.
Hi First, off, thank you so much! I appreciate the compliment and the support. Secondly, I do take requests but only with specific things. I prefer to stick to what I'm good at drawing if you know what I mean.: ) I Take no offense to your question whatsoever. But I politely would decline transformation offers and requests. Thanks and have a wonderful day