Impermanencerichardcgreen on DeviantArt

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richardcgreen's avatar




Once again, I'm following my usual Modus Operandi of making the paint(erly feel) be the hero!
Keeping realism to a minimum, I could have placed almost anything in the area where stands the ruins of an Irish church.
The sea and the storm are moving from left to right....eventually, all will be swept away. The Spanish may call the piece:
Lo pasajero de Todo. RG
Watercolor with minimal Prismacolor Pencils ... on 140' Cold Pressed Watercolor Paper • ca. 16x24"
Image size
1960x1441px 834.83 KB
© 2015 - 2025 richardcgreen
anonymous's avatar
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I have been imagining a similar castle and scenery in my mind for quite some time now. In it you look up from a canyon towards a castle that stands on the edge of the castle and there is a lower part of it in the canyon.

You beautiful pictures resembles my fantasy quite a lot. I just found it interesting.

Also I think your style is unique. There are only few types of style that it reminds me of but only partly for different reasons.

Your style looks like you draw a realistic scenery then throw i blury sandstorm and some colorful but yet dull colors. I don't really know what I am talking about.

Anyway I think your old architectural and forrest themed pictures (I will be honest I have only looked at a few so far) togather with the technicolor makes me think of a old medieval fantasy world with magic.

Also the blurryness at some sections of the picture and the how detailed it is at other parts makes a big contrast which leads to focus on the more detailed parts. It kind of makes me think of how you view objects in your mind, like when you dream, imagine or think about a memory.

Anyway I faved and I pressed the "watch" button. The picture is really great I think.