I suck at everything...people are probably just printing my works on toilet paper to wipe it up their asses to show their dissatisfaction. Well...I DON'T CARE.
I do understand that people in these platforms are more interested with chicks and dicks rather than my own crap. Well, sorry don't have that here. I know my limits when it comes to human decency. You might as well go screw yourselves.
I don't make deals with the devil and my soul is not for sale.
hello I am new here how's it going
when they take away my rights as an artist...
I do love your work, I followed you back when you were on Pixiv, and now here on ATF! A lot of laws are now being implemented against 3D and more harshly against AI! The AI I can understand, especially when a lot of creators not only make realistic looking artwork, but utilize certain celebrities. AI can be good, but it seems the majority of creators just want to abuse AI and profit off it!
Not that there is anything wrong with wanting to profit from one's work, it just sucks a lot of AI creators are giving AI a bad rep.
I love your work btw!!! Huge fan!
You are concerned about the administration of the group FavoriteFandoms .
Please, add to the group only the works related to the group's topic, and add the works to the correct folders.
And also, please, do not add to the group works, that are not related to the topic of the group.