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Love has the final move...
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Hey guys, I started a couple of projects that are really special to me in 2013, and as the new year approaches I’m going to put in the effort to hep those projects grow bigger and better and more special, so I wanted to take a moment before that happens to promote those projects in case you haven’t heard of them and might like to give them a try.

First up is Super Terraria Bros., the Let’s Play-style series I created with my brothers Andrew and Jonathan. We filmed 30 episodes this year and we’re on hiatus now, but we’re planning to start a second season very soon and I’ve got a few ideas of how we can make it even more fun for everyone. Not only that, but we have a few other series ideas up our sleeves for our channel in 2014, including one that involves us scaring ourselves for your entertainment and one that incorporates a lot of jostling. If you’d be so kind as to give the first few episodes of Super Terraria Bros. a try I’d be super grateful, and if you like what you see be sure to subscribe for fresh new madness in the future. Here’s the season 1 playlist:…

The other project I started this year is the sci-fi novel I’m coauthoring with my brother Andrew, Aldaeus. This one is especially important to me, since I’m a writer and this is the first work of fiction that I’ve ever submitted for public scrutiny. We’re on hiatus right now since I recently moved out and had to settle into all the ensuing changes, but we’ll be back in two weeks and the plan is to carry on without interruption, a chapter every week until the story is complete. If you like to read I’d appreciate it so much if you could take the time to read the entries we’ve published so far and let me know what you think. What do you like? What needs work? Any and all criticism would be so wonderful - even if you hate it, at least you read it and cared enough to help me hone my craft with your advice. Here’s a link to the first entry, and you can find the rest on the blog under the Aldaeus category: newtonandnewtoninc.wordpress.c…

Thanks for putting up with my rambling, and if you do go check out either of these projects thank you so much for your time and support. It always feels a little weird to self-promote, but I really am proud of what my brothers and I have done and are doing and it’s all meant for others to enjoy, so there’s not much point to it if we don’t let people know it’s there so they can enjoy it. I can’t wait to see what 2014 brings, and I certainly hope that you’ll join me on the journey. And to all my current readers and viewers - I love you guys so much. Never quit being fantastic.

- Tim N.

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So there's this really talented sculptor here on dA called Nazegoreng, seen here :iconnazfx:, who's doing a giveaway for her entirely marvelous Danger Suit Fluttershy, seen here…. All you have to do for a shot at winning it is go watch her and then make a brief journal entry like this one describing the contest. If you're interested, hit up her journal for a complete explanation of the rules, seen here…, and even if you don't care about winning the figurine you should totally go watch her anyway because the stuff she makes is superb. That is all.

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I Made A Thing!

1 min read…

That is a link to a thing that I made for a Five Word Prompt Challenge I initiated on Tumblr a while back. The prompt was "Nightmare Moon Takes Over Aperture" from none other than :iconpuppys: and after giving some thought as to how I wanted to handle the story I wound up scrawling it out in pen on charred sheets of paper as a sort of Ratmann-diary. I'm really quite proud of it, so I thought I'd do the rounds and link those who don't follow me on Tumblr to the post so they can see (and hopefully enjoy) the finished product.
Hope you like it!

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1 min read
It's been a long summer. Heck, it's been a long day. I've been awake for 24 hours now, and I was at work for eight of those. I had to drive twenty minutes to get to this coffee shop for Internet fast enough to stream video. But now I'm here, a steaming cup of Caramel Apple Cider in my hand, and my body is ready.

Bring on the ponies.

Bring on season 3.

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3 min read
I've been on all kinds of adventures in the past year, but I think this one may just top them all.

Sure, I met :icontekaramity: for the first time in person at Bronycon January and had an incredible time getting a taste of New York, experiencing my first con, and meeting several Famous People™, not to mention flying for the first and only time in my life so far. (I highly recommend trying that sometime, by the way, just make sure you're inside a plane at the time.)

Then there was Trotcon, of course, my first real solo expedition and a weekend full of ponies, karaoke, late-night Kroger runs, and plenty of unexpected (but pleasant) surprises.

But none of them could compare to this weekend. This weekend I boarded a bus in Grand Rapids and traveled all the way down to an unmarked bus stop in the unassuming state of Maryland, where I listened to a short fellow with no shirt and the words "Only God Can Judge Me" scrawled in what looked like pen on his upper arm list off random facts of varying believability about his life (including the priceless "if I walk around like this *jams hands in pockets* the police can arrest me for concealing lethal weapons. That's how dangerous I am".) until he wandered off, which is right about when Tek arrived to bring me the rest of the way to his stately abode.

I've had the opportunity to meet the legendary :iconsunsetplz:, queen of death-glares, and the hyperactive Silky, king of running and getting excited about absolutely everything that happens and/or fails to happen, as well as Tek's splendid Mom. We've dashed all over the local area, from a Roy Rogers with absurdly closed-captioned ESPN ("but the giftcard -- -- what? I think I screwed that up... Daniel Rodrigu!") to the Toys R Us where ponies were, as fate would have it, on a buy-two-get-one-free super sale from which I scored a glow-in-the-dark Zecora. All that fun, and we haven't even gotten to the whole reason I came down here yet.

Oh no, the best is yet to come. Tomorrow, we're piling in the car and taking a trip to Virginia to join up with Tek's brother and see Jars of Clay, one of the best bands of all time, perform live. So yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited to be here, excited to spend a few days with one of my very best friends, excited to see Jars in concert, just plain excited to be alive. Isn't it incredible, all the things we as humans get to experience every day? Not just on special occasions like these, but in every little moment that we exist.

We're here! We're alive! We've still got time to spend with each other!

Isn't that exciting?

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The Shameless Self-Promotion Hour by ReuelDreamseer, journal

You Could Win a Thing! by ReuelDreamseer, journal

I Made A Thing! by ReuelDreamseer, journal

FINALLY by ReuelDreamseer, journal

Excited by ReuelDreamseer, journal