I'm a Christian college student and aspiring best-selling novelist. I love a good story in any form - song, movie, TV show, book, poem. My favorite stories, though, are the ones playing out all around me. Life is often more fascinating than fiction, and you have to keep your eyes wide open if you want to take it all in.
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL
Favourite genre of music: Just about everything, but especially folk rock.
Favourite style of art: I like crayons.
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iPod Classic. The one with way more storage than you could ever need. Shaped like a brick of steel. Yeah, that one.
Shell of choice: Red Shell. Spiny Blue Shell is too cheap, Green Shell isn't powerful enough.
Wallpaper of choice: Blue Like Jazz screenshots.
Skin of choice: The one I'm in!
Favourite cartoon character: Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle
Personal Quote: There are too many boys in this world, and not enough men