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Love has the final move...
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LlamasWithKatanas's avatar
Artist // Student // Literature
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (8)
My Bio

I'm a Christian college student and aspiring best-selling novelist. I love a good story in any form - song, movie, TV show, book, poem. My favorite stories, though, are the ones playing out all around me. Life is often more fascinating than fiction, and you have to keep your eyes wide open if you want to take it all in.

deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL
Favourite genre of music: Just about everything, but especially folk rock.
Favourite style of art: I like crayons.
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iPod Classic. The one with way more storage than you could ever need. Shaped like a brick of steel. Yeah, that one.
Shell of choice: Red Shell. Spiny Blue Shell is too cheap, Green Shell isn't powerful enough.
Wallpaper of choice: Blue Like Jazz screenshots.
Skin of choice: The one I'm in!
Favourite cartoon character: Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle
Personal Quote: There are too many boys in this world, and not enough men

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
The Prestige
Favourite TV Shows
MLP:FiM, Corner Gas, Psych, Stargate Atlantis
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Casting Crowns, Chris Rice, Switchfoot, Sanctus Real, Needtobreathe, Mumford & Sons, Coldplay
Favourite Books
The Hunger Games, Artemis Fowl, Searching for God Knows What, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Favourite Writers
Eoin Colfer, Suzanne Colllins, C.S. Lewis, Donald Miller, John Green
Favourite Games
LoZ: Twilight Princess
Favourite Gaming Platform
A good gaming PC
Tools of the Trade
My laptop, water, and some great music.
Other Interests
Reading, Writing, Playing the piano, Studying the Bible, Work, etc...
Hey guys, I started a couple of projects that are really special to me in 2013, and as the new year approaches I’m going to put in the effort to hep those projects grow bigger and better and more special, so I wanted to take a moment before that happens to promote those projects in case you haven’t heard of them and might like to give them a try. First up is Super Terraria Bros., the Let’s Play-style series I created with my brothers Andrew and Jonathan. We filmed 30 episodes this year and we’re on hiatus now, but we’re planning to start a second season very soon and I’ve got a few ideas of how we can make it even more fun for everyone. No...
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So there's this really talented sculptor here on dA called Nazegoreng, seen here :iconNazegoreng:, who's doing a giveaway for her entirely marvelous Danger Suit Fluttershy, seen here All you have to do for a shot at winning it is go watch her and then make a brief journal entry like this one describing the contest. If you're interested, hit up her journal for a complete explanation of the rules, seen here, and even if you don't care about winning the figurine you sho...
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I Made A Thing!

0 min read is a link to a thing that I made for a Five Word Prompt Challenge I initiated on Tumblr a while back. The prompt was "Nightmare Moon Takes Over Aperture" from none other than :iconpuppys: and after giving some thought as to how I wanted to handle the story I wound up scrawling it out in pen on charred sheets of paper as a sort of Ratmann-diary. I'm really quite proud of it, so I thought I'd do the rounds and link those who don't follow me on Tumblr to the post so they can see (and hopefully enjoy) the finished product. Hope you like it!
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Profile Comments 39

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BTedge116's avatar
Thanks for all the faves!
LlamasWithKatanas's avatar
Thanks for the watch :D
ReuelDreamseer's avatar
My pleasure! Your art is excellent.
KylieFaye's avatar
Thank you so much for your favorite on [link] I'm so sorry if you have received a similar message before, its taken me a long time to get through to say thank you to everyone, sometimes i lose track >.<. If you have some free time please consider to take a look through the rest of my gallery as well (plenty more cute pictures of baxter!!) If you like some of my work, please consider watching me or checking out my facebook page [link] Feel free to send me the link to your FB as-well, if you have one and I will make sure to return the favor Thank you so much! I really appreciate it <3
cyfrostan's avatar
Happy Birthday, Tim!
ReuelDreamseer's avatar
cyfrostan's avatar
Happy New Year!