2024 Shark Week - Show JumpingReQuay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/requay/art/2024-Shark-Week-Show-Jumping-1096205646ReQuay

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2024 Shark Week - Show Jumping


Badge Awards


Event: Equine Shark Week 2024

Horse: AVS Countess of Cosmology

Rider: Nadya Ryder

Rider Age: 23 y.o.

Stable: Artistik Vale Stables

Country: USA (flag on boots)

Class: The Breach (Show Jumping)
Jump Displayed: #6 - The Fossils

Music: NA (for Show Jumping Class)


Nadya was so excited to be participating at Rhed Moon’s Shark Week Event.  She and Celestia had traveled to Ontario to gain some more show jumping experience, and she was completely over the moon at the chance to participate in this fantastically fun-themed show.  They had arrived a few days early to make sure that the beautiful dark bay mare would be settled and ready to focus on her performance.  So far everything had gone off without any unexpected surprises, and Nadya prayed it would stay that way through their routine. 

She put the last of the finishing touches on Celestia’s tack, making sure that everything was in place.  The bonnet, saddle pad, and boots had been custom made to match a white shark’s color pattern across its body.  That would, in-turn, match the custom bodysuit Nadya had ordered from Waterlust – also in a white shark pattern.  The bodysuit was a bit of a stretch for showjumping attire, but the brochure had said comfortable attire was permitted (and Nadya figured this was the next closest thing to wearing a themed tee shirt and breeches). 

She wanted Celestia to perform at her very best, so she kept the tack simple and straightforward.  However, to add a bit of flair to her own attire, she decided to dress up her bodysuit just a tad.  She fashioned a foam-shaped shark head that would fit on the front of her helmet.  She attached it to the helmet with a few simple extra straps.  Then she donned a foam dorsal fin strapped across her back.  Both items were soft and collapsable, in case of any accidents or falls.  But she kept the traditional riding boots and gloves for her own comfort.  Besides, the boots were needed to display the little USA flag on the lateral aspect of both legs – it was just large enough to be seen but not so large as to detract from the outfit.  She finished by putting on a pair of black contact lenses – something that would make her irises look dark like a shark’s eye. 

Nadya tucked her hair into a bun, making sure there were no fly-aways coming loose from beneath her helmet.  Then she led Celestia out of the barn and swung herself up into the saddle.  They headed over to wait for their turn to be called into the arena.  Celestia’s mane shifted with each step, the silken strands left down for today’s routine, so it could flow freely like sea grass gliding beneath the water as Celestia soared over every jump.  And everywhere Nadya looked she found something new and exciting – all decorated with the Shark Week theme.  Large aquarium décor ornamented each post of the jumping arena.  Buoys were hung with rope to add to the oceanic feeling.  There were even plush seagulls strapped to some of the posts for the sponsor banners to add to the atmosphere.  And around the arena itself, there was a variety of beach warning signs alerting people that sharks had been spotted.

Celestia appeared to take it all in stride, but her ears flickered back and forth as she scented the air and her alert eyes checked for any danger.  She had become desensitized to most of the décor as they settled in, but it still provided the mare with something to keep an eye on.  It was then that the prior competitor exited the arena and she was called to start their performance.  Nadya tried to quiet her mind and focus solely on the mare beneath her and remember the pattern & the paces she had counted when she walked the arena earlier.  With a nudge from Nadya, Celestia sprung forward into motion.  She flew with speed towards the first jump, The Meg, and soared over it to then turn tightly towards The Fins Jump.  Straightening out with the fence, they continued over The Hammer Jump and Pirates Worst Nightmare Jump.  Celestia was having a blast, but she kept her rhythm in check with Nadya’s guides, as they jumped over The Shark Cage.  Then it was a big turn, almost u-shaped, to line up for the approach to The Fossils Jump.  Nadya felt the mare collect herself and spring forward effortlessly, soaring over the artifact-resembling jump painted with megalodon-looking fossil teeth.  Celestia landed soundly and continued…

(Word Count = 718)

Mind the Shark 50x50 icon Mind the Shark 50x50 icon Mind the Shark 50x50 icon

I have wanted to enter this event for the last few years. I was over the moon to be able to fit it into my schedule this year and I had so much fun working on this.
Thank you samuRAI-same for giving us so much artistic freedom with the decor at your setting. Hopefully I haven't completely destroyed your concept of Rhed Moon Stables.
Wishing everyone that enters good luck, and wishing all you sharks some happy predation/hunting.


Pose Reference: SJ by Alla-equi
Background references & Sponsor banners provided by Host Journal

Art/Characters © ReQuay, and may not be used or reproduced in any way.

Image size
1756x1250px 2.63 MB
© 2024 - 2025 ReQuay
anonymous's avatar
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EspressoShots's avatar

This looks amazing! I think this is my favorite show piece from last year! Everything about it looks stunning! 🦈