Prologue Irentoh on DeviantArt

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rentoh's avatar

Prologue I



I know why I spend so little time on here because let's face it, deviantart you need to step up your game on submissions because this damn system breaks down everytime I try to submit something. Not amused.

Have some old characters I redid because I wasn't really happy with them. The old description had links and further info on their bio but hey, since dA is an ass on me today I lost patience.

Ok. Rant over.

First one is Osmond, Oz, who has been revamped the most. Character is still the same, but his appearance… has come a long way I guess. He has been US American all along but now I finally know where from: Kansas, but of Hispanic, English and Native American descend. At the moment he's visiting Dublin to sit in cafés and brood over some pretentious drinks.

Second is Tizian who has, so far, only been on tumblr, I guess. Tizian is in Dublin to do their Masters in Criminology to work as a psychologial consultant in a prison. Until then, they enjoy organizing rallies, helping kids with an advise internet blog on queer culture and I really like their face better… here.

Last but not least is Radha, or as she was formerly known Leah-Rose but that really didn't make any sense and I hated the name. Radha is the host of an afternoon radio talk show for the same company George works at. She does life style and underground culture interviews and roams Temple Bar's bars for interesting people to inteview. It worked out fine for her, since one day on a protest she met Ti and since then they have never spend a day apart. If she's not working, she's probably calming people down and giving good advise, for she is a ray of sunshine and no one actually dislikes her.
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