Ben 10 OC: Aggrenna (colors)RenkonNairu on DeviantArt

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Ben 10 OC: Aggrenna (colors)



The original line work for this was done by my good friend :iconnozominoyami: , but I'm not sure if she's posted the line work on her gallery yet. Please click the icon to see her work. 

This is one of my OCs from my on-going Ben 10 fan fiction series "Elevator Monologue". Which can be read on AO3 here:…

Her first appearance is not until the third fic in the series, "...Before it's Ever Even...". Which can be read here:…

Aggrenna is the eldest child of Aggregor and a Null Void settler he met after his defeat at the Forge of Creation. At the time of her birth, Aggreggor had not yet crossed paths again with Servantis and his disgraced Rooters, so Aggregor still thought he was an alien, and that “Osmosian” was a complete race and not just a weird mutation.

Aggrenna, however, is NOT an Osmosian.

She has no significant powers of her own. Cannot absorb things, shape-shift, or mutate her form. Needless to say, at the time, Aggregor was super confused (possibly suspicious and angry, too, I haven’t decided on that detail of the backstory).

But then he crossed paths with Servantis and it was revealed to him that Osmosians weren’t aliens. “Osmosian” powers came from a unique mutation and Aggrenna just hadn’t inherited the mutation. Servantis was also very shocked to learn that Aggregor was able to breed at all seeing as how he wasn’t naturally born himself, but an artificially created being created by Servantis in an attempt to try and reproduce something like Kevin.

All of this happened when Aggrenna was too young to remember, of course.

As the years past, Aggregor and his mate had two other children, the last of which she died giving birth to. Aggregor, whom was truly in love with his mate, was thrown into a paralyzing depression, and Aggrenna had to step up and make sure her younger siblings were taken care of. She made a formula for her younger brother by mixing animal fat with blue milk and the broth of boiled vegetables. She made sure her younger sister ate right and always had clean cloths. She changed diapers and washed bedding, and she never complained. But the entire time, she let a quiet resentment fester. Aggregor was the actual parent, he should have been the one doing these things. She should have been enjoying her childhood.

Needless to say, the moment her siblings were old enough to start doing things for themselves, she taught them how to take care of their own food, laundry, and chores.

To spite her resentment towards Aggregor, Aggrenna respects him because he is her father and he did teach her spear fighting and how to survive the Null Void on her own. But she wouldn’t cry very much if he were to be killed unexpectedly.

As far as appearance goes, she mostly resembles a female Aggregor. Except her hands and feet are that of a Null Void Settler. Color-wise she inherited her mother’s blue skin. But she prefers to dress in warm colors like Aggregor. Aggrenna favors a yellow short-robe for a top with pants the same color as Aggregor’s robe from Ultimate Alien.
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