130922 Cosy catrenatetf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/renatetf/art/130922-Cosy-cat-402106695renatetf

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renatetf's avatar

130922 Cosy cat



Intous 5 in PS5

It is cold outside so I though a cosy cat would warm me up a bit =)
Please leave some comments or critique, I would like to improve my work.
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12500x12500px 23.33 MB
© 2013 - 2025 renatetf
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3wyl's avatar

Perhaps there could be more definition in terms of the face and the rest of the body. At the moment, it feels like the cat's head is merged with the rest of the body and there's no neck or anything. :hmm:

Similarly, the paws aren't as defined as they can be.

I do like the style, though, and the way you've shaded and painted it. I think you've managed to add great depth in that regard.

The background isn't too bad either. :)