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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1045)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (8)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (4)
Deviously Devoted: Someone is your fiendish fan! 😈 (1)
My Bio

Illustrator and Graphic Designer.


Favourite Visual Artist
Ilya Kuvshinov, Alphose Mucha, Rossdraws
Favourite Movies
Forrest Gump (Studio Ghibli Films) (Most Disney Films) labyrinth, willow, Assorted Marvel movies
Favourite TV Shows
Comes and goes. I like funny, clever, scary and thought provoking shows.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Melanie Martinez, Selena, etc
Favourite Books
Scary Stories to tell in the Dark.
Favourite Games
The whole Zelda series.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
My mind.
Other Interests
Treating mySelf to the best in life.
I'm not as active on DA as I used to be. And I am trying to change that. I do love creating art still and sharing it with others. So browsing through the new deviations from other artists, I've noticed a reoccuring theme. The majority of "Art" being showcased is all made using AI. And DA is the one creating it. So are they using material based on real artists here? I recognize some of the styles used. I doubt anyone is giving permission to have their work used for others to claim as their own. I am not a fan of AI. I believe it takes away the heart and creativity artists put into their work. I understand all artists want to create someting that others can admire, but you do that by learning and practicing to get better. Not by telling a program what you want to see, and then claiming it as your own work. I really want to see DA take this feature down. I wanted to contact whoever is in charge on here, but I couldnt figure that out. I feel like i'm sounding like an old crochety lady,
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anonymous's avatar
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Ayyyyyyy. I'm Alive. And posting here a whole year later. XD you know i'm still Active and making art. it's just hard to keep up with posting on DA since I have to do it through my computer. It's easier to post through my phone since I'm always on the go. I have an account on Instagram @santeli89 Come over and see me if you want to see what I've been up to in the last few years. I'm wrapping up work on a large Book Illustration project so I do plan to post more here as well. I miss the DA community and the memories I have connecting with other artists here. Growing up, living the adult life makes it harder to do that.
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Profile Comments 4.7K

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chasepup13's avatar

hey you should check out my melanie post if you want, i just gaver her a description about her.

SuperSweetCiCi's avatar

Would you like to join my Inuyasha Couple Group It has the Original Couples and Fan Favorite Couples Too.  I think you'd be perfect for the group.

Sole-Storyteller's avatar

It's been so long, Reen! I miss working with Ichi, Sazume and Kumari. Those were good times! Your art is looking great as always! Keep up the good work! :D

Reenigrl's avatar
I know!!!!!!  :( I miss them and your stories toooo. 
What have you been up to? You have an instagram? that's where I am most of the time. 

My user is @santeli89 I want to catch up and now what you've been up to. 
Sole-Storyteller's avatar

I've been working on a novel the last few years. It's a slow progress and it's a long story, but I'll finish writing it eventually! What about you, what have you been doing? How's life treating you?

I don't have an instagram account yet, but as soon as I do, I'll follow you there. I'm traveling to Chile tonight, guess it's a good time to join Instagram, post some pictures.

Sometimes I drop by here to check on your new pictures and Memories pages, and to remember the old Kumari/Sazume/Ichimaru ones.