Playgroundredtreeme on DeviantArt

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redtreeme's avatar




Where: Stockgrove, Leighton Buzzard
What: Forest Walk
When: October 2015
With What: Hasselblad 500cm, Ziess 50mm f2.8c, handheld, 125th, f8, iso 100
Film: Kodak Ektar

Just one of those mornings.
I have a ton of jobs to do so I wake up super early to go take the dogs for a walk at 4am. I stupidly check a few emails and by the time I've answered them a hour has gone passed.
My 7 year old daughter then for some inexplicable reason wakes up and spots me putting on my jacket and getting the dog's collar on so we can go out for a walk and she want's to come along.
I say yes and ask her to quickly go get ready and she comes back in shorts and a t-shirt even though it's cold out side. I ask her to go and change. Three outfit changes later and 40 minutes go by she is ready to come out with us.

My plans are scrapped for a long drive and long walk so I opt for the nearest forest walk, which is Stokegrove Park.
We get there just as the sun is coming up, I let the dog and my daughter out of the car and they're gone.

I hear them mucking about behind hedges, tree's and ferns playing hide and seek which they both love.

I managed to catch up to my daughter in a clearing shouting for the dog who has been missing in action for about 3 minutes and snap this shot.

That was the last time I saw them both until we got back to the car, both of them covered in mud and water.

I hope you like it.

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Chaosfive-55's avatar
:aww: I love the story which goes with this photo!!