I did nothingRedAkai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/redakai/art/I-did-nothing-113655095RedAkai

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I did nothing



Requested by :iconheillerov:

Yay! Back in digital. >:3
And it has some kind of background! Phear it~ D:

Well, she came out alot darker (even that I've brightened it), but I think it's still fine. ^^"
I went into the doggieness more than wolf-ness. xD But hey, ~Heillerov said 'draw her as a wolf or whatever you like'. So it's a doggie-wolf-something. With long and slim legs. : D A new species, I guess!
And I just felt like drawing her with chibi wings. <_<

Okaaay. Just don't ask me what was it that she has buried. No idea.

Sillova (c) :iconheillerov:
Art, idea, etc. (c) me

Photoshop CS2

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Ddakusia's avatar
Redziu to ma moc jakąś. Mi się przeogromnie podoba! Ładnie kolorujesz! I to takie słodkie, te skrzydełka ;3
I tak ładnie anatomicznie to wygląda. i ten pyszczek *zakochała się XD*