If any one thing is certain about my life, it's this: I was born to love cake. Not only eating it (I'm talking appreciating the taste, not just scoffing mounds), but seeing it. It's a kind of eye candy for me - I've spent (or wasted, depending on your view!) days of my life looking at food pictures and find them endlessly fascinating.
And on top of my own home baking, I've gone and decided to try out making a little side business of my own through the medium of decorated celebration cakes. So far, so good!
I'm also getting into the buzz over at the creative writing spectrum. I've had a few hits, a few misses, but I'm enjoying myself, so that's the main thing I hope you'll enjoy what I have to offer too!
I'd love to take some more quality photographs too. But for now, my photography will have to rely on the certainty of chance for a good picture!