Sonic AU Angelic Halo Universe

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ReaverPan's avatar

Ok So I just wanted to have some fun again. This time I wanted to make a Sonic the Hedgehog AU. i Call this the Tinker Tock Universe or the Anglic Halo Universe.

I goes like, I have had some Sonic charecters swap roles while other remain with the role they have had but they have been abdapted to this alternate universe. Also it's not just charecters but even items like magical relics and so on. I just wanted to make a fun AU that could be abdapted or merged with other ideas down the line. Anyways here's a basic of what I had in mind.

Starting Off Sonic isn't swapped with anyone. I figured the Ble Hedgehog was fine in his normal role but he will likely find himself in a verry differant world surrounded by a verry differant cast of friends and foes.

EggMan and King Max were the first 2 I had swap roles. Presenting King Ivo Tinker and Maximilian the Menace or the Supreme Leader as his minnions call him. The Robotnics have been turned into the Tinkers and are now a benevalant royal family with a few skelitons in their closet and a passion for pushing for progression and Science. So they never actualy gave up the science aspect because their familiy origanated from a great Scientist who somehow became a king who founded the Kingdom of Tinker Tock which is like this world's Knot hole if it was ruleed by a robotic's genius family. Ivo has kids too such as Ivo Jr, Sage, Belle, even Omolette and maybe others. There is also his niece Hope and his treachorous nephew Snively. Ivo is actualy a much more benevalant and good hearted man in this universe but he can be a little mad and even power hungry. Which is to say he is capable of turning into a Tyrant as about as much as Maxwell had his good and evil moments in the Archie comics and some headcannons. However in this Universe Maxwell Still has his stuborn Traditional values and stuborness but his good natured self is replaced with the vile and sociopathic aditude of Julian Robotnic and was even once a trusted Militart Leader like him until he betrayed the kingdom and become a warlord and the leader of an extremist group. Let's Just say Max has traded his crown in for an arm band and maybe a hat or just his new suit will do. Their Children would grow up based on how they would be raiseed by these alternated depcitons of these 2 men. Sally and Elias would basicly have been raised by Max long before he becomes the Supreme Leader and was still serving the king. They would likely be riased based on his values though Elias would become more concerned with his father turning more extreme in recent years. I'll get on Sally later because she's a verry special case. Ivo Jr is based on Eggman Hr from the Akotosh series, he was like a mini robotnic with no moustach and mohalk instead. This new version would be alot older but still have that rebel aditude and keep the mohalk. He'd basicly look like a younger Eggman if he was a punk rocker. Sage and Belle would still be created but supposedly were once living beings that got their minds transfured to their new form as their father hoped to find an answer to curing death for his people. Yes we have a mad king that wants his people to become inmortal and other crazy steps forward. Sage and Belle and Hope would keep their basic personalities. Eggette would probabaly get a new non egg themed name and could end up being aged up to Sonic's age. However no she is no the new Sally because I got that idea for someone else. She wouldhowever be verry mishivous ande cunning and bit of a prankster. Snively Meanwhile is still a power grabbing snake in the grass with plans to usurp his uncle asnd would be sort of a secondary villian whenever Ivo would be less crazy and more benevolant and reasonable. Finally sally is still loyal to her Father and Loves him and still has Nicole as an old child hood friend BUT Sally has now swapped roles with Rouge the Bat. Rouge has become more of the snarky level headed leader type and strawman to Sonic's Antics. While Sally has become a seductive, jewl and relic nabbing , thieving special elite Agent for her Father's forces. Also I would use the Alternate Reboot Origans for Nicole where she was once was real life Linx Child that got her mind transfured into a computer.

Sleet and Dingo from Underground would be brought in and become henchmen for Supreme Leader Max, likely evene serving under Sal. Orbot and Cubot would be like royal adivsors to Ivo. Silver and Gold would exist. Scratch , Grounder and Coconuts would be Mobians that became Robians but they were always kind of goonish charecters that end up serving Snively as his henchmen . Ivo doesn't abuse Snively in this universe but Snively did have to suffer abuse from his own father in the past and kinf of views Ivo as an insane bufoon. Snivley is not alined with Max but he's certainly an enemy to watch out for.

Next We got Shadow and Amie Rose who are turned into Fate and Destiney. Destiney was created by King Gerald Tinker as the Destined Life form. Fate got into teracards or learned some profecy that suggested that His fate would intertwine with Sonic's as they race towards the Ultimate...something? ^^; All I can say is this. Fate is still an edgy gun wielding rival to Sonic and Destiney is still a hot tmeptered but good natured and sweet girl who just so happened to find herself in the middle of a love triangle with the other too... The main differance is Fate is dark Grey with maybe black replacing Shadows red, white Destiney is differant shades of pink or maybe she's pink and white??? Also Fate would be closer to Sonic's Age while Destiney was kept in a stasis pod before being awakened. She was origanly created to help cure Princess Maria.

Time for the Name sake stuff. Next we got the Rings like warp rings or charge rings and we're swapping them with the Emeralds! What do we get? The Angle Halos and Sole Halos as well as the Mother Halo and the Power shards. The Power Shards look less like Jewls though and more like blocky Minerals atleast replaced the Rings you collect while a more Geod like type may replace the Warp rings. I like the Idea of Rings being turned into Halos like the kind you see over an angle's head. So Chaos Emerald are now replace with Angelic Halos which fits perfect with Angle Island where you can now find not the Master Emerald but the Mother Halo Being Garded by Cosmo.

Yes Cosmo and Knuckles have now swapped roles as well as their races. Now Angle Island is home t oancient Plant like folk that have been dormant for centuries with Cosmo comunicating with her ancestors tree like forms in spirit and keeping the Mother Halo safe. Knuckles Meanwhile is still an Echnidna but they left into space centirues ago and he came to the ancestorial world to look for them. Because they were supposed to return to this world. Knuckles had never been on Mobia before and only knew a foreighn tounge. So he's not an idiot in this universe but rather he's nieve about Mobian Culture and customs. He had to be taught how to speek English which he kind of speaks brokenly. Fortunatey he found a good friend in a French speaking dedective, Antwion Antwonet. Yes Antion or howver you spell that is a detective this time arounde but how? Well becaus in this Universe he's swapped roled with Vector the Crocodile. Except Charmy is still with Vector. I kept Charmy with Vector while using the head cannon idea of Charmy being adopted by Vector. Vector meanwhile is a Royal Guard you sometimes find in the computer room....I had to. XD

I honestly see Antion dressed like Inspector Lafoo from Pink Panther XD and maybe even being more so like him in charecter rather than what SATAM gave us. So not quite Archie but something we can atleast respect though he might still have his own quirks. They are also joined by a fun addion and no she is not swapped with Espio but she does sort of form a Trion with the other 2 known as the Angelic Investigators. And if you haven't guessed who she is yet it's Styx the Badger. XD She doesn't swap with no body this is a perfectly natural new trio they make on their own. "But wait !" I hear you ask. You didn't stick Espio with Charmy and Vector and keep the Chaotics together but you don't stick him with Knuckles?! What did you do with Espio?! Well I mean he could always go with Ray and Mighty but I'd like to keep thigns open.

Ok so if Cosmo took Knuckle's job then who's gaurding the Soul Halos? Omega.

What? Yes Blaze and Omega are swapped in this universe. Omega and his robotic siblings were created to protect the sOUL Halos in what is now the Dead Dimension because thigns so bad that every living being had to vacate the entire dimension. Omega has a SOUL duty to proteect the Halo's the cultureal relics from their home world and all life. Meanwhile Blaze was once part of a royal family that was in an alience with Tinker Tock. Her kingdom is gone but she is still Nobal and a sage raised to protect and serve the duties of her family and apparently their new alegiance to Ivo? suspicous?? By the way fun fact I can picture Knuckles having like a big old moon rock collection and Saly just steals them trying to sell them for a pretty penny XD. Her inner Rouge is still picking on Poor Knuckles XD.

Now then let me think. I believe I was gonna have Mefalace swap with Black Doom.

Oh Rotar and Dr Starline are also swapped both in personality and sides. So now Starline is a Freedom Fighter along with Sonic, Tails, Rouge, Vector, Charmy and Bunny Rabbot. Yes Bunny remains as who she was. I couldn't think of who to swap her with and saw no reason to swap her.

Also I know Sonia and Manic are in here but not sure about Queen Alina. I do kn ow that Ivo see's Sonic and Tails as if they were his own children and even Charmy is considered like a royal Bee without actualy being royal.

Fate would compete with Sonic but Metal Sonic is still a thing too. This happens when Ivo goes abit coocoo and decides to created a robotic replica of people including Sonic. And yes Metal still thinks he's the real Sonic

There are so many other ideas I could do for this but I don't want my computer ruing this for me so bye for now, hope you like this ^^

© 2024 - 2025 ReaverPan
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Interesting ideas. One thing I came up with while reading through this is an origin story for the Badniks, or... well, we'll get to their alternative name afterwards. So basically, my idea is that King Tinker has created robotic mechs for the animals that they can summon to defend themselves. However, Snively is making his usurpation plans, so he sabotaged the mechs with a well-crafted security loophole, planning to use it to take control of the mechs. Too bad for him that Max beat him to that last part, now having the Hijacked Tockbots under his command. Of course, this opens up the possibility for friendly Tockbots that aren't hijacked.