Hunted in the Snow/ReavePan Adventures/RP??

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Reaver a few others trudge through the snow. Reaver's ear twitches as he can hear birdsin the direction they came from fluttering away. This is a bad time. Their is an old abandon cabin they could take shelter in to get warm and they could make a fire. But Reaver can tell something is wrong" I think we're being followed." Meanwhile in the distanct a large rig crawls speedily over the snow some men standing on it's roof, one in paticular scanning the way ahead with his binoculars.

Willium Trappistor

On the rig a man who looks almost like a baron with his safari outfit and monocle in his eye looking through his binoculars spotting the mutant dog and his compainons. His eyes widen and a hungry smile appears on his face. His driver notices this reaction. “ What is it sir? See something interesting?”

Reaver "I have to think..... alright everyone head to that cabin and get inside. If I use my webs I could try and give it some insulation, but  we need to hurry, I think we may only have an hour." he sais to them while unaware that a pair of Binoculars have zoned in on him but fortunatly there are trees between him and Trapistor that provde enough an obtical for the baron as Reaver conintues to move.

Willium Trappistor

The Baron's smile only widens as he sees Reaver move to hide from him. The sight of his prey trying to hide from him only further amuses him. "He's a slippery one....but he won't get away, not on my watch." The driver and a few other on the rig look at him. " What do you plan to do sir?" The driver asks in a concerned but almost curious voice

Willium Trappistor

The man with the baron responds "What do I plan to do?, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm gonna get me a new trophy for my collection." He says with almost glee as he grins widely.

Reaver's companions enter the cabin Finaly and Reaver begans to web up the walls, and windows. as he glances over his shoulder he see's something far off in the distant hills from the one he and cabin are on" that looked like a that looked like a hunting truck. He's here. Blast it Trapistor! I can't let him get to the others. that webbing should help keep the place less freezing and keep out unwanted guests. but that won't slow Trapisotor's resolve. he'd just might try burning down the entire cabin if he got over here. I can't let him get over this way. I could try to set up a road block near the bottom of the hill...."see's some boulders. I'll try putting those around the cabin. it's gonna make more tired though." sais grabbign a large boulder and begans to lug  it over and around the cabin.

Willium Trappistor

The man from before still watches the mutants cabin and their leader work, " He's putting up a fight, but it only makes the game more interesting. He watches him set up the boulders around the cabin. “ He doesn’t want me to get to him, good. It'll only make the hunt more entertaining.”

Reaver after moving one boulder goes to get another and tries to set up a wall around the cabin , knowing the hill gives the cabin the high ground against any intruders. by the time Reaver get's a circle made he's already been feeling the fatigue, which didn't help that he tossed a few big ones. " huff huff that should atleast provide a cover from their guns and the big truck. huf huff. we're still gonna need fire wood later and possibly food. I can't let him find the others though, asuming he doesn't know I have others with me...that's stupid ofcourse he does....we left tracks! fuck!...." looks at the trees behind the cabin and I stick my head through the door " keep an eye out of the window. should you ever see a truck try sending a few out to leave out the back way but when you do. walk backwards and keep your heads low and watch your guard " I command before cealing the way again and going back out into the cold "brrr alright were's he at?" I say pearing past a boulder to look out into the horizon, trying to see past trees and hills.

Willium Trappistor

" He must be tiring out from moving those boulders. Good, the more tired the prey is the more it will want to rest and relax. It'll give me an opening to strike." The man watches the mutant from the vehicle, " I just have to bide my time, the longer it takes the more fun this will be."

Reaver leans again the boulder letting himself get his breath while remaing on the inside of the circle. "ok let me think hmmm  he likely already know's I may have others with me but I should make sure he doesn't know how many. if I grab some branches and use my spider legs and go back down I'll try to  sweep away those tracks. atleas it should help prevent him from counting them." h thinks to himself. grabs some branches and  ggrows out his spider legs and leaves the stoen circle to start  sweeping up the tracks under the cover of trees. He's atleast hoping the trees  provide enough cover of the bottom o the hill. hE LEAPS TO ONE jut to see if it can provide cover. he know's however doing this draws alot more attention to his movements.

Willium Trappistor

The man from the rig watches as Reaver uses his spider limbs sweep away the tracks. His smile widens as he watches him, "He's trying to hide the fact he has friends, but I already know there are others. He won't be able to hide it." He looks forward still and keeps track of Reaver's movements.

I paus and admire my handy work. "alright, ok let me think if I stay at the cabin he'll just go there to go after me, but if I leave he'll go there to get to them, but that just means he can only focus one one of 2 targets. I need to make him choose his target. I already gave the others instructions incase he sends his goons after them. Guess it's time or the real hunt to began" I say to myself before turning to look to the far right of the cabbin to the opening that way. "I have to keep up the act wether he know's I know or not. plus I still need to hunt for food and fire wood. I'll need to do so away from the fort however "I think to myself and begans to slink off in the verry direction, hoping Trapistors spots the  direction he went.

Willium Trappistor

Trapistor spots Reaver as he leaves the cabin and heads off into the woods. He looks at him from afar with a smile on his face, "I see he's trying to distract me and lead me away form his friends. He thinks I don't know, he's smart. But this only further raises the thrill of the hunt for me."

Willium Trappistor

He turns to the others in the rig, "Now then, I plan on letting him think he's lost me. We'll wait here and see how long it takes for him to finish his little trip."

I slink off and get off far from the cabin and gets some wood and keeps an eye out for anything that looks like food, but ofcourse I'm in a winter wild so finding food out here other than prey to hunt and kill is unlikely. and EVEN IF i FOUND PREY to kill I would need to cook it since noteveryone is gonna eat raw meat. "where on earth would I even find good food" I then come to realisation that I do potential place where food might be found.

Willium Trappistor

The man in the rig stays perched on his vehicle, waiting for Reaver to return. As he watches the direction he left in, he mutters, "I wonder how long it'll take him until he gives up. He thinks he fooled laughable, he may be smart but the more he thinks he can outsmart me only further amuses me."

realising my  thought, I think quick to where I last saw that rig and I move in the direction of where would be behind it. Eventualy I go far enough to find it's tracks "bingo" I say to myself before then returning into the thick of trees and follows the tracks stealthily to see if i CAN FIND the rigthey belong to, affectivly now sneaking up on Trappistor's truck while he's looking in the oppisite direction I have gone.

Willium Trappistor

The man from the rig continues to watch the direction where Reaver left, not once looking behind himself. He's focused on the woods and his prey, confident that he will return soon.

seeing the rig I quickly but careful move arcoss the tracks in the snow to the cover of tree''s on the other side and careful climbs so trees as I get close. I spot trapistor on the roof, it gives me shivers knowing he was right there to watch my every action earlier. He was afraid it was him and he was right. He looked the top of the rig over and spots what's he hoping to find. some kind of mini fridge bolted down. obviosly he can't hope to steal the fridge itself and if he attympts to sneak on to get in it...welll obviosly he's not just gonna crawl on that thing hoping to not be seen somehow..... but perhaps we he needs right now for stealth isn't to sneak on but a distraction. Reaver then leavs and moments later a large Tree is thrown from the direction he went and flies right over the rig, landing on the other side in plain sight.

Willium Trappistor

The man on top of the rig jumps as he sees the tree fly over them. His eyes widen and he turns in the direction the tree came from, "What on earth..?"

The tree now lies still in the opening trail and Trapistor looks at where it came from, adverting his view from the cabin he see's claw marks on the trees far back in the direction the flying tree was tossed from.

Willium Trappistor

The man from the rig is taken a back by the sight of the claw marks. "He's trying to throw me off his trail by throwing a tree, huh?" He looks back at the spot where he last saw Reaver, "Very smart...but I will not be fooled that easily"

Willium Trappistor

The man continues to look to the spot where he saw Reaver with a confident smirk, "I know you're out there! Hiding won't help you in the slightest, for I will find you."

only silence and chilling wind answer back. the men look to Trapistor for answers.

Willium Trappistor

The man who was watching earlier looks to the men, "He's clearly hiding...he tossed that tree because he knew I was watching him. He's trying to throw me off but I will not be fooled. Keep watch, and let me handle the rest." He said as his smirk became more smug.

Willium Trappistor

He watches the surrounding area, knowing that Reaver is nearby. He keeps his eyes focused and his ears open, listening for any signs of movement. "I know you're around here...I can feel it."

Trapistor leaps off the rig, gun in hand and landing firly on the snow covered ground befoere looking  intantly in his entended direction light glaring off his monical menacingly and a dastardly grin curled on his lips. His heard and hair ripping in the cold wned befor being covered by the hood of a winter coat.

Willium Trappistor

Trapistor stands tall, looking in the direction he believes Reaver is. His gun in his hand, he grins darkly as he moves forward slowly, his hair and long coat billowing behind him in the wind.

As you move in that direction and the men  scan the area looking that direction entently, on the other side of the rig back at the large tree that was thrown a long spider like leg  extends from a hole in the  hollow part that tree and something  creeps out of the tree and quickly uses the tree as cover by crawling behind and watches, pearing under the tree to then see under the rig as well as Trapistor lurches off to go after his prey. but his prey had managed to fool him. Reaver useed his webbing to  pull himself instantly onto the tree as it flew away from him and he had quickly  realed himself on  and crawled into a hole it had rotated in the air earlier. He was a littel disorianted though. but he survived crashing on the ground inside the hollow of a big white oak tree. now he just had to wait.

Willium Trappistor

The Baron looked around the area, not seeing any sign of his prey. He continued to grin, "He thinks he's clever by hiding and tricking me, but I know he's around here somewhere. He can't avoid me forever." He looked around, carefully checking all the surroundings.

getting my barings I carefull crawl up the rig, looking in the doors and windows to see if I can spy any extra food andthen get's on the roof, cleverly using my spider leg to reach for the fridge and open it and grab whatever I can  get out. they had to have something in there. 6 men have to eat after all. meanwhile I try to find ways to get in the rig without being seen, but atleast I was seeing easy to grab snacks. better than nothing. but they have to have some food on them right?

Willium Trappistor

As Reaver began to crawl on the rig, looking through the windows and searching for any food, Trapistor continued to look around the area, expecting to see Reaver emerge at any moment. He was so focused on searching for the creature that he didn't notice what Reaver was doing on top of the rig. "Where are you, creature? You can't hide forever!"

I manage to pull out some chicken and some sandwches some kind of drinks, sausages as well as some other stuff. I discard whatever isn't edibal but you can't exactly going stealing someone's food without being seen if someone is still near by. one goon on the rig catches eye of my spider leg taking some food as it disapears over the railing. I am suddenly greeted by a man with a gun looking right down at me and I quickly web his face, pulls him down and webs him to the side of the rig. feeling my  cover might be blown I simply pull open a door and quickly web anything I think looks good to eat before making my break for it and dashes over the fallen tree.

Willium Trappistor

As Trapistor continues to scan the area, searching for any sign of his prey, the man who spotted Reaver stealing the food from the rig called out, "Boss! Over there!"
The Baron immediately turns in the direction the goon was pointing and sees Reaver web the man's face and run off. Trapistor growls, "Damn it, he's on the run!"

I quickly take off with a cocoon full of stolen food inside." this little wolfboy is sly as a fox~" I say to myself and flunch as I feel a bullet graze my shoulder from behind. So I make as many dodges and covers as I evade getting shot in my escape.

Willium Trappistor

The Baron watches as Reaver runs off with his stolen food, growling in frustration. He sees one of his men shoot at Reaver but miss, and the creature quickly dodges the bullets.
"Damn it, men, take aim and shoot!" The Baron bellows, barking orders at his men. "Don't let him get away!"

I slide down the hill and make my way around every turn I can, using the tree's as my cover. I make my way back to the cabin.

Willium Trappistor

Trapistor and his men begin pursuing Reaver, shooting at him and trying to get a clean shot to take him down. As the creature dodges their bullets and makes his way to the cabin, the men struggle to keep up with his speed and agility.

I quickly evade them but make my way back to the cabin I make my way up the hill. I manageto lose them for now but it's clear they already know where to go next, so I quickly enter the Cabin "I got us food, but we'll need to eat fast and we can aford to be picky! Once we get done eating we'll need to save the rest and then leave. They're gonna be ticked off when they finaly reach us!"

Willium Trappistor

Reaver enters the cabin, carrying a web-filled sack of food. He informs those inside the cabin that he retrieved food, but there's no time to be picky as they need to eat quickly before the men arrive.

Reaver places the stolen food on the floor, and the others gather around. They eat hastily, knowing that they don't have much time before Trapistor and his men reach the cabin.


To be continued??? to any interested we can RP what happens next

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