YSL NumberedReaverPan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/art/YSL-Numbered-979364548ReaverPan

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YSL Numbered



So here I made some location stamps placed coppies of them on the map and numbered them. unfortunately not only have I not used all the stamps yet but I forgot to stamp certain locations on the map like Elder ridge and Wisper Beach and so on. However I still stamped some key locations and have some brand new locations stamped on as well. I'll just have to stamp all the other locations  in a second post. Let me know if you like the stamps I drew up and used and if I'm missing any kind of useful location stamps or if any of the ones I made should be replaced with something differant?
Alos feel free to sugest some locations on the map that I should stamp with a specific stamp and why.

Yamis Towns, ruins and Railroads

  1. . Fort Highland Lake
  2. .Umibozu Docks
  3. .Risky Pass- just South west of White Dragon Mountain and west of Shadow slopes.
  4. . Last Stand Valley
  5. . Distant Wood
  6. . Fort Dareing
  7. .Rabbit's foot
  8. . Leshy Isle
  9. .Red Ranger dale
  10. .West Reach
  11. .Free Dawn
  12. .North Watch
  13. .Banshee Sanctuary
  14. .West Waren
  15. .Camp Luaklee city
  16. .Bold Backbone
  1. .Circle of Runes stones
  2. .Ancient Disc
  3. .Angle Table
  4. .Gorgon's Door
  5. .Scarlate Moon Alter
  6. .Angle of the Cliff
  7. .Ancient Camp of Stone tents
  8. .Mysterious Colesium
  9. .Stone Ghosts
  10. .    Umibozu Shrine (WHAT'S EARIE IS THIS TALL Black statue seems to predate man's arival, including that of the Japanese who would eventualy join everyone one Yamis anyways. Some say this was the work of the Japanese or some hoaz by other people, but studies are beganing to show this statue was here long before the earliest settlers of the Island. It's unknown if this is maybe the work of primitive humans or something else?
  11. .Argus trails/ trails of eyes
  12. .Bottomless Spiraling Cave/ Staircase of Mort
  13. .Bythal - Subterain underwater city
  14. .Rabbit Knomes
  15. .Elder Ridge-
  16. . Sand Worm Tombs
  17. . Blue Angle
  18. .Pearl Arch
  19. . Wild Man Junction
  20. .Titan's Bridge
  21. .Crimson Labrynth
  22. .Crimson Sphinx
  23. .Golem Temple/ True Gargoyl's Keep
  24. .Cerebus Toll gate
  25. .Babayaga Village
  26. .The Giant's Story Wall
  1. . Crop Circle Valley
  2. . North Terraliff
  1. .Giants Keep/ Castle of the Ape men
  2. .Beacon Gate
  3. .Gargoyls Keep
  4. .Valiant Hold
  5. .Sailor's Bend
  6. .Champion's Tower
  7. .Greatful merry
  8. .Shielding Flank
  9. .Salvation Reighns
  10. . Couragous Sentinal
  11. .Highland Beacon
  12. .Sovereighn Dawn
Monster sightings
  1. . The Tops of White Dragon Mountain- the largest mountain on the island surround by a mountain range is said to be ehome to many terrorfying monsters, such as giants, Ape men or large apes, trolls, goblins, tall slender hide behinds, Grabb me gotchyahs and many others.
  2. .Obituary Valley
  3. . Hid Behind Woods
  4. .Secluded Hollow
  5. .Wild Man Rock
  6. . Sunken rail road
  7. .Heart of the Banshee Buyu/ Howler's swamp- home to many spooks, like the Loopdalee/werewolves, Howlers, Banshees, Umibozu, wisps, goblins, Kelpies,  Swamp serpents, Lake monsters,mutant pirates?? Zombies, hags and many other awful creature.
  8. . Midnight Hill (FOUND ON THE outskirts of the Swamp and famous for were wolf sightings)
Ghost towns
  1. . Styx Manor
  2. .Loopdeloo Cove
  3. .Banshee Groves
  4. .Drowning Mire 
  5. .Red Candle
  6. .Sea's Warden
  7. .Deserter Post
  8. .Dragon's Trespass
  9. . Secluded Beach
  10. .Coazy Hill
  11. .Scarlate Cliff cities
  1. .Wispering Siren University
  2. .Highland Lake Achademy
  3. .Scholar's Reach Tomorow/ SRT 
  4. .Ickobod University
  1. .youtu.be/aHhBr8Jgw8c The Begining
  2. .youtu.be/TH8s9MFdLxs Peace on the Map
  3. .youtu.be/J2skbG1WHXw Crimenal Move
  4. .youtu.be/E3aY46aBpoo Help help
  5. .youtu.be/yCv7Q3w3Tio Ever Frost Peak
  6. .youtu.be/08We4vMaHh8 Watch your Step
  7. .youtu.be/qMDcw2ZhnKM Wacky Hijinks ensue
  8. .youtu.be/Eon9jJDK2q8 Cleo's Shop
  9. .youtu.be/YQTMAv5fYo0 La Danse Macebre Shiroben remix
  10. .youtu.be/RLnpI1GLrfI Red Ranger Dale
  11. .youtu.be/e3s39EvaqEY Scarlate Cliff
  12. .youtu.be/nmrMzyRXdEk Giant's Keep
  13. .youtu.be/Bt-xJOLQ6c4 Horrific Legend
  14. .youtu.be/KOv0QJijiyQ Pop Quiz
  15. .youtu.be/9B4STUYsLig An Evil Plan
  16. .youtu.be/R8NatcynRSo Last Stand Valley
  17. youtu.be/IBsLWNWep3M fitting lesson / Bratts humilated
  18. .youtu.be/2Kw0yHOs_24 What a School Year
  19. .youtu.be/1osy6sBjoTM Realy Bad
  20. .youtu.be/6_7jANpP_EQ Is that a Challenge?
  21. .youtu.be/95sGOn5Py2U You've Been Played
  22. .youtu.be/hH9M-m3WD0g The Red Carpet
  23. .youtu.be/iFgbvWhgsS8 West Reach
  24. .youtu.be/z4rGc3cJyts Rabbit Foot
  25. .youtu.be/0CZNtRmK3RQ The Path of the Dominoes
  26. .youtu.be/HQHppCv2m_E Lake Highland Colledge
  27. .youtu.be/ROC7H8m3y98 Looming Threat
  28. .youtu.be/Roih28Q0LvU Mind Breaking /Heeby Geebies
  29. .youtu.be/re8Afw226WQ Championshipe
  30. .youtu.be/oWjEzeXu4WI Mushroom Gorge
  31. .youtu.be/OsQEEHUuLGg Mystic Valley
  32. .youtu.be/vBjscyFC3jo Valiant Hold
  33. youtu.be/zDeOhK9n354 Fort Dareing / The Back woods/The Country side
  34. .youtu.be/3VVY1JSVrSs Ickobod University /Noir the Exchanged student
  35. .youtu.be/8h62h0xvOTY The Ancient Under Ground
  36. .youtu.be/du3Zz4HrGXA Heroic union
  37. .youtu.be/KYdRWC6MCgM Leshy Isle
  38. .youtu.be/eVKj3u8JUm0 Couragias Sentinal
  39. .youtu.be/zLORED4rGQ4 Obituary Valley
  40. .youtu.be/dE9IGuh7FuU Drowning Mire
  41. .youtu.be/XA6xrfUb06E Enemy territory
  42. .youtu.be/ysGkJJD7RoM Secret Robotics lab
  43. .youtu.be/gLTxZ2OrCDw Katt Day Dreams
  44. .youtu.be/Y3-kdCoZO7c S.R.T.
  45. .youtu.be/X5MCZYt0hCs Search and Rescue
  46. youtu.be/oVkB2ymZyb8 Never More

I will hAVE TO PROBABALY UPDATE THIS but sorry for being later to update it. lost track of time dealing with life.

Anyways you can HELP with this series you know.
Her'es the map without stamps www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a…

and her'es a list of names for the cast of CrossOver Stand In's/ COSIs  www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a…

This map will be the home for many COSIs which  can represent one or muse per inidividual
eXAMPLES being
1. www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… the Leaders 
2.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… Fusions
3.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… Those who Share a Muse
4.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… Transforms between muse modles
5.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… Those you might recognise despite being slightly recustomed
6.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… Those so Recustomeed you argue they are more of an origanal Charecter now
7.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… and those who ententionaly have their own look but carry enough of a vibe you can probabaly guess who they are inspired by...unless you don't XED but you can always ask~
8. www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… These girls combine 2 differant families and are important charecters to the cast
9.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… This one's a scaredy cat

10.www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/a… Still on the Fence with this one.

You can make suggestions for places on the map as well as help me with asighning names and figuring out COSI's

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© 2024 - 2025 ReaverPan
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