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Ohboy hey 2020 and yeah I believe this started sometime this year but was intended for valentines day obviosly. The truth I realy wanted a differant envirement for this scene as I oringaly imaged them up in a tree hence the position they are in. It still works though.
Anyways It just may be my best Reaver and Wendy romance pick yet despite the lack of surrounding enviroment. When I REMADE THE Glass window I decided I wanted in the pick but it was going to have them on the outside not the inside >.<. Also this wasoriganly intended to be a Lineless drawing but it's kind of hard for me to make lineless that looks acurate so what I did was I drew the lines but then sort of faded them and eresed them. So I am experimenting with lineless drawings abit but they won't all be that way ofcourse. You also may notice Reaver's got himself a goate in this. truth is I actualy do tend wind up with facial hair alot these days but it was slow growing in when I was younger. I think I prefer myself shaves more though. I probably could of given him a moustache too since I have one myself at times. However I like to shave mine off. So I ope you all Like this and let me know if you like their current desighns and Reaver with facial hair.
Ok so the background could be better but I got tired of pushing back time to make more detailed walls . However the story here is that there's like these acient ruins and forgotten castles that seem to have evident proof of historical cultures based around the Blood of stars and those who optianed power from them and prophecies of times to come.It's possible some were either taken apart piece by piece and brought over sea's to the US but were they rebuild by men? or perhaps more mystorias means? Anywas What basicly going on here is these places make for great churches too~ SO i WON'T CONFIRM anything here realy I'll just let you guy have fun speculating ^^
Happy late Valentines day
music mood:
Anyways It just may be my best Reaver and Wendy romance pick yet despite the lack of surrounding enviroment. When I REMADE THE Glass window I decided I wanted in the pick but it was going to have them on the outside not the inside >.<. Also this wasoriganly intended to be a Lineless drawing but it's kind of hard for me to make lineless that looks acurate so what I did was I drew the lines but then sort of faded them and eresed them. So I am experimenting with lineless drawings abit but they won't all be that way ofcourse. You also may notice Reaver's got himself a goate in this. truth is I actualy do tend wind up with facial hair alot these days but it was slow growing in when I was younger. I think I prefer myself shaves more though. I probably could of given him a moustache too since I have one myself at times. However I like to shave mine off. So I ope you all Like this and let me know if you like their current desighns and Reaver with facial hair.
Ok so the background could be better but I got tired of pushing back time to make more detailed walls . However the story here is that there's like these acient ruins and forgotten castles that seem to have evident proof of historical cultures based around the Blood of stars and those who optianed power from them and prophecies of times to come.It's possible some were either taken apart piece by piece and brought over sea's to the US but were they rebuild by men? or perhaps more mystorias means? Anywas What basicly going on here is these places make for great churches too~ SO i WON'T CONFIRM anything here realy I'll just let you guy have fun speculating ^^
Happy late Valentines day
music mood:
- ...Here's where we get interesting. what song do you feel best feels like their love song? I'd love to hear it ^^
Image size
968x430px 947.4 KB
© 2020 - 2025 ReaverPan
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This is so cute, it gives off this frozen in time or time moves slowly feeling. The background has those early 2000s nostalgia vibe of those YouTube video tributes with some cute song.