Well this is a ProblemReaverPan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/art/Well-this-is-a-Problem-873838361ReaverPan

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Well this is a Problem



This will certainly need itself a background.
Anyways. I've featured these girls each tickling me before and looks like their all having their way with me yet again.
funny enough I still don't think they have any names
The Goth and the child were featured in Reaver Pan the Tickle Pet 
and the Blond is suposed to be like some regal lady from the pic. tABOART53 
These girls are actualy belong to the Sister Hood of Men Ticklers. The Child is merely being raised and taught how to be an evil tickler and how to put boys in their place through the art of tickle torture and useing a powerful male such as myself just helps make her even more emboldened in this femdom.
Course the Goth is supposed to be the little girl's older sibling while the blond lady at my feet is no relation she's just there for the fun. No doubt though if the other 2 get in a more frisky mood the child will have to be sent out of the room.
However one way or another the Great and Mighty Mutant of Mutants Reaver Pan is not getting off to easy here and these girls plan on breaking him.
Meaning they'll likely each get their own alone time with him and giving him/ me no room for rest

I have to admite a child tickler is an idea I am fond of because it's just so fiendish plus children are so capable of being so evil plus I wouldn't have to worry about things going to far 0.0 Though I might not mind the goth girl taking advantage of me more >w> XD 
If anyone would like to see more of any of these girls at ticklers in the future let me know. infact let know which on  is your favorite?
Also what sort of names should I give them?
  1.  name of the Goth?
  2. The Goth's little Sister?
  3. The Rich woman?
Reaver "STAHAHAHAHAP NOHOHO THESE MITS ARE EHHEHEVIL! nahhoho lehehet me out of this XD"


by the way check these journals out maybe for an RP?
The Tickle Wait House (prologue 
Jamal's Catch RP(tickle F/M) 
The Rightful Order/ a Turn table tickle RP 
Intense Tickle Music 
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