Wait Fir Me encompleteReaverPan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/art/Wait-Fir-Me-encomplete-950015163ReaverPan

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Wait Fir Me encomplete



This image isn't done yet, but I want to get this out there atleast.
So earlier near the end of 2022 and beganing o 2023 I was inspired by Hades Town's song WAIT for me. youtu.be/4k44h7U9iWo
So I got to working on an the project, the first rough draft I scrapped so this is sort of the look I went with and did it several times over since there's alot of detail to work with. So this is the near complete version... emphasis on encomplete, I still haven't done all the back ground nor connected the spider legs to Reaver just yet. and man the number of times I had to copy and paste those Blood of Star flowers too.
Anyways the story is  Wendy Chymes has been kidnapped and held hostage by the Baron Willium Trappistor. Wendy was wating for Reaver who was going to bring her flowers only for him to find her missing and soon realising who has taken heree. The idea was to have him leaning over a eldge reaching out to thin air calling out with his tears flying in the wind along with petals flying off the flowers in his arms. It's suppose to look like he's reaching out to Wendy, but it's actualy just the clouds behind him depicting Wendy reaching out and calling out from her prison, in a classic merger split scene sort of moment. Meanwhile the ominous fingure in the background is suppose to be a construct image of Trappistor himself reaching out to snatch Reaver as a metapgor for the trap he's setting for his most elusive prey. The idea is that it's actualy the  full moon right behind Reaver but the clouds near the moon are supposed to take on the form of Trapistor making the moon look like his Monical. However the skeetch lines do make it feel more like 3 seperate images that make things alittle more trippy I admit. But I was wanting to go for like a cover image with this one.
Reaver will have to journey and sneak into Trappistor's country where any creature that moves and brieths is fair game. Trappistor for those who don't know is an evil poacher and royalty, more importantly he's one of Reaver's most fearcest non super powered villians and is obsessed with making Reaver his Trophey, and he has no problem with being cruel to other human beings either.hat Reave'rs clothes realy help him comparee to Orphias almost. As for  Wendy being compared to  Eurydice, it's an interesting role cast, since the 2 are differant but still I think it be  fun to play with the songs from this musical ^^

Anyways, I hope people like this encomplete scene. I'll need to complete it someday, or maybe just start from scratch yet again.
Don't worry i got coppies, I'd get to it but I got other stuff to work on.

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