Reaver and BoltieReaverPan on DeviantArt

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Reaver and Boltie



High time I PUT THESE 2 in apick together because years back the relationship I imagined between them being that of Close friends who wound up burning bridges only to make up later. I also wanted to draw Thunderaknid more like he was in climbing Pursuit. So I got more of a basic idea for the look of this form. I think I got a pretty basic idea for Boltie's over all look as well.
So what's the Story between these two?
Reaver and Boltie

After Reaver Pan Had escaped the clutches of the Evil Doctor Dronek he would run wild like a feral animal until he began to calm down. His Old friend Fliptwig the Dwarth would eventualy ctahc up with the boy and return him home. However after seeing what the boy can turn into and that he had no real control of his new transformation, the centurie old Dwarth would offer to train Reaver and help him to keep his new powers under control. Later down the line Reaver would leanr how to use his powers and would remember he was not the only one held captive by Doctor Dronek. So he would track down one of the Doctors labs and help some of the mutant children to escape. One of them was another mutant child who about escaped with him last time. Belle Tempestade Was always someone who doesn't scare out of a fight. Being a girl of a strong will and never afraid of  a bet she had been resisting powerful surges of eletrical torture. However the Blood of Star genetic splicing had made her not only resististant to the billions of Gigwats poured into her body but also into a conduat vessle that could redirect and control the electric energy itself. It was quite the shock that this girl who once looked like a normal tan skined girl now replaced with the form of a child sized badger like humanoid could hold such extrordianry power! Dronek labled her as an Electric Titan.  When Reaver discovered the lab and tried to start another jail break he was still new to his powers and thus had not yet tapped into his super strength. Right after setting Belle and a few other mutants Free they recognised each other instantly and worked together to fight against the guards and to help the others escape. Due to her Speed Reaver nicknamed her Boltie the Badger which would later also make a good pun based more on her electric powers. Boltie rather liked this named and enjoyed Reaver's since of humor too. However due to a lack of super strenght at that time Reaver managed to get caught before he could escape with the other Mutant captives. He got to see Dronek a little more face to face this time and was emediatly sent in chains to a Dronifyer Room. Here Reaver would see that Dronek did alot worse that just mutate people in awful ways. In the Dronifying room he saw people hooked up to machines shaving their verry minds experimented on and brainwashed into the Dronifyed, brainwashed servents of Dronek and his twisted vission to reshape the world with him as the creator of the new Titans. Techincaly they are refered to as the New gods but not only did Reaver already know he was no god but time would eventualy reveal the one true God anyways. Reaver resisted the atmpympts of the machine to control him but it didn't help that it was hurting his brain and that torture was being use to try and break his will. However the process could not continue due to a black out. Dronek was forced to have to get out of his confort zone and pull out the back up but then realised something was up.  He was going to have Reaver transfurred but the exits were blocked. Next thing they knew a giant Eleaphant Grizzly hybrid broke in reaking havoc and in the chaos Reaver was rescued by Boltie who was responcable for the black out, his Mentor Flip twig and a few other mutants besides Boltie including a certain commodo dragon and Tasmanian devil hybrid named Steaven. As for the Elaphant Bear woman that was Mama tusk looking for her boys and let's just say Reaver and his friends had no time to lose in getting out of there with her in there. It already looked like a horror show with what was being done to the prisoners there. However the moment blood thirsty mutants take the scene a blood bath haunts the memories of those who had to witness it all. It was a fight just to escape as before they had to battle against armed guards but now they had to get past other escaping prisoners as well. Fortunately Reaver had a keen since that allowed him to be able to navagate the halls and find the best ways of escape. Boltie and Fliptwig would back Reaver up and aid him in helping their little band to escape. Steaven however had his own more....agressive plans in mind and so a few times any guard that got in the way or some contrary mutant trying to start fight met his nasty biting wrath. Reaver tired of  seeing blood shed however would make use of his new web abilities to simply eleimante possible conflicts and following his lead Boltie would use her  electric and currowing abilties to help find less violant solutions as well.
However when things got realy bad Fliptwig simply used his Holy Axe to give them a quick short cut which got them out of their instantly. Why he didn't just do that sooner is another story all together...... However let's just say Reaver would later learn about a group called the Justifyers and he wound up training to be a leader of the new generation with Boltie origanly as one of his Loyal supporters who became fast friends with Reaver. There realy is more that needs to be covered on these 2 because not things between them have been all that friendly. Steaven would often times think he should be the leader and that his methods of fighting Dronek were better than Reaver's. Down the line Steaven would break away wit his own team the Reakers and Boltie would be amongst the defectors and would have bitter feelinga towards Reaver until they would break the ice later.

But was Reaver and Boltie's friendship a good one? and if it was then why did she eventualy betray him? I decided that story is best saved for another picture. So if your interested the be looking forward to the sequal in the future that better explains how these 2 friends became rivals.

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