Mauyarlok Land mass RegionsReaverPan on DeviantArt

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Mauyarlok Land mass Regions



Numbered Lands

  1. West Sahantis

  2. North Sahantis

  3. . Kirfran

  4. . Carthiana

  5. .Rigion

  6. . Visiache

  7. . Nazarth

  8. Airaph

  9. Skanagautha

  10. . Byzrol

  11. . Molonga

  12. .Norpira

  13. Asahi

  14. . Hammija

  15. .Bolancia

  16. .Evendio

  17. .Luinymba

  18. .Yastrelium

  19. .Murleuru

  20. .South Cauntnalla/ Cold Trap

  21. .West Cautnalla

  22. . Central Cautnalla/ Mid Cautnalla

  23. . East Cautnalla

  24. .Austurox

  25. . Moholigi

  26. .Chaernipha

  27. . Rogiliska

  28. . Niwaja

  29. .Adirolf

  30. .Athornliaxa

  31. .Yuskolla

  32. .Liereka

  33. .Mutyushthuenod/ Mutyuseda

  34. .Mohotohah

  35. .Wubeini

  36. .Sarnakah (is more like 2 large Islands but is argued by the inhabitants to one single unit and research seems to suggest the 2 landmesses were once a single land mass that got floodedlong time ago.)

The Earth Continents to the left are there for size scale , they are at exact scale they should be. So just look at their size and compare that to any continentn or land mase featured on the globe to their right. The globe is way bigger than earth. So the biggest from earth would dwarth is size compared to some of these.

The Plan is to have a humanoid race diversifie and expand acrossed the planet. I actualy want to have a verry European like origan in the Cautnalla Trio seen down branching off of South Cautnalla which is seperate from the trio. They are are considered part of great Cautnalla but there is a clear differant between the trio and South Cautnalla. South Cautnalla thoug hhaving some habital regions becomes less of a place to live furthin land as you can find the south pole there. It's basicly the Bigger versio of Auntaritca with a trio of contienents branching off from it and there being a few island continents near by it. Not yet sure if this where the Humanoid species origanates or not, but I do know that those from the Cautnala do expand way early one and send out ships that colonize distant lands and develope into entire other civilizations.

If you want you can pitch in and help build the history of this world.

Also please see the origanal map of this.

I had a cool idea layed out there called a Furnace Moon!

Music for Insporation!

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