2029 ReaverReaverPan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/art/2029-Reaver-809914380ReaverPan

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2029 Reaver



It's 2029 in the Summer. I never like to talk about my age. But next year when the 20's end so do mine.
I still plan however to make a chronology and cover my number one Oc's back story and life. It's only fitting I always show case his wolf boy form because when he firsdt started out her couldn't  control his other transformations, he had to first learn to master the Spider legs transformation before turning full on anthro wolf Thunderaknid form. Not only that but Mega Wolf a Mountain sized quadroped is way to feral a form to control. Rightous Night isn't even a Mutant transformation it's a power only given by God  at Times when Reaver needs it and only when he's at the most devote of Christians. But in this world temptations come in all forms, like bitterness, lust, Greed, Fear, The need to protect one's dignity at the cost of someone else's, and Doubt.
Funny on how this was meant to be more of above view but I'm not hateing the background to much, I honestly love it ^^
UI';d love it even more if People asked me questions about my oc Reaver Pan and the other charetcers that are in his life.
Also do you like this desighn? What do you like most? The art style? the choice of clothes? I of course mean the charecter desighn over all. What do you think of the charecter desighn? Course I'd love to know you opinions on the background too ^^

1. Should I try to make the Home Reaver Pan lives in this Style?
2.Would you like to this style again but with other charecters included?
3. Also Please tell me All you see when you look at this image as I feel some Images may look like others.

Music for Mood-
youtu.be/RHIIATt0BaM Forever Younge- For the Ocasion that I am 29 when I made this.
youtu.be/tiBaBca7-rY - Son of Man- Because I'm always improving. Maybe not the best but I never let go of my dreams.
Please leave  suggestions for songs down below
Still used(Muro) for art.
Image size
969x418px 778.62 KB
© 2019 - 2025 ReaverPan
anonymous's avatar
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scared-of-thedark's avatar
you should draw were he lives!