ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
reaIi-tea on DeviantArt
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I need to make the thing soon hn
welcome back to stupid little sketches btw
anyways N3o is basically a little robotic companion, whos really sweet and caring but irritated easily. They're a bit of a klutz sometimes and tend to knock into things. He usually talks with little squeaks that sound like words and are a bit helpful with electronics. They have little transparent-blue wings that float from his back, which help balance them.Theres a small booster at the bottom, and they have two little tail-like paper-plastic that hang from their backside. They have little to no memory of the person who created them, but mention hearing a male voice when first activated before being shut down moments later.They learn from reactions :'D
N3o small dork belongs to TechnoLily280 and I
i dont own Ty damnit only the design
I need to make the thing soon hn
welcome back to stupid little sketches btw
anyways N3o is basically a little robotic companion, whos really sweet and caring but irritated easily. They're a bit of a klutz sometimes and tend to knock into things. He usually talks with little squeaks that sound like words and are a bit helpful with electronics. They have little transparent-blue wings that float from his back, which help balance them.Theres a small booster at the bottom, and they have two little tail-like paper-plastic that hang from their backside. They have little to no memory of the person who created them, but mention hearing a male voice when first activated before being shut down moments later.They learn from reactions :'D
N3o small dork belongs to TechnoLily280 and I
i dont own Ty damnit only the design
Image size
583x693px 145.1 KB
© 2015 - 2025 reaIi-tea
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