Rayvanna's avatar


is taking a break ....
93 Watchers100 Deviations

Taking a break

3 min read
Some of you might have notice that I wasn't really active the last couple of month. I barely uploaded something, commented or really talked with someone.
The thing is that for some time now I'm frustrated with things like they are right now.
Some events occurred that let me questioned my art. To say: I wasn't satisfied with my drawings anymore. And I wasn't satisfied with drawing just canines all the way.
So I changed and started to draw humans. It isn't a wonder that I questioned myself even more when the actvity on my account dropped heavenly after I changed to another drawing subject.
Facing the truth I realized that most of you don't give a damn about my human art. How can a 15 minutes anatomically incorrent vent art get 20+ favs and a work I set on for 24 hours less then 10?
Yeah I'm complaining here I know (Drama, Drama >.<), but that are problems I thought about for some time now leaving just one result: Rayvanna will take a break... I don't know how long that will last... just that it will. I'll still be online one day or the other and I don't abandon the account...
I have created another account. All my human art will be uploaded there and deleted from this gallery. As for the future: Canine art will still be uploaded here, but all other art will be at my new gallery.
So important things:
Traders: DON'T worry, I haven't forgotten you. I will draw my pics for you no matter how long it will take. I will write you a note as where to find me. You can still contact me here if you want.
Watchers: If you are really sure you like all my art and want to follow me to my new account, send me a note and I'll give you the link to my new account.

I hope some of you might understand why I'm doing this. If not, it's ok...
Hope to see some of you^^

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Art Status Commission Info

dA Stamp - Requests Closed by lynkx-ie da Stamp - Art Trades Open by lynkx-ie dA Stamp - Commish Open by lynkx-ie

Taken from :iconwoelfinnishi:

The first 10 people who comment on this journal will get a free sketch. In return you must offer 10 free sketches in your own journal. If you've already done 10 Free Sketches simply link the journal entry in your comment!

01 - I will NOT draw your request until I see this in your journal. If you don't draw then you don't need to put this in your journal.

02 - Only one character per person.

03 - Please have a reference or description of your desired character so I can get it done properly!

Have fun with this! It's a great way to pass your talents to your fans. <3


Like Nishi , I won't force you to put this in your journal, and I won't refuse your request if you don't want to do it ;3 I'm doing it partly for own purpose hoping to get over my art block :XD:
But consider it though. Such sketches are always a good way to break art blocks, too.

1: :iconjustbelievecosplay: Trader

2: :iconmerando: Kagekuma

3: :iconhmmurdock:

4: :iconwoelfinnishi: Nishi







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Art Status Commission Info

dA Stamp - Requests Closed by lynkx-ie da Stamp - Art Trades Open by lynkx-ie dA Stamp - Commish Open by lynkx-ie

Hi peeps =3
Yeah I'm alive. Sorry for the lack of update but there were some things going on in my life including moving out of my flat in a very short amount of time. Studies are stressful right now and everything else that's going on.

Because I was featured in :iconsterlingkato:'s journal I will offer 5 feature spots. I will go to your gallery and choose 5 pictures I like out of it and feature it in this journal.
After you've been featured you have to write a similar journal and feature me in return and as many other people as you like.


1.:iconc-c-corone: :thumb144122173: Mountain sings... by C-C-Corone Waltz with the dead by C-C-Corone Duality by C-C-Corone The Faun by C-C-Corone

I collect money for WWF

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:star:Nice Guys:star::icondarketernalnight::iconthekarelia::iconitfaraday:

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Art Status Commission Info

dA Stamp - Requests Closed by lynkx-ie da Stamp - Art Trades Open by lynkx-ie dA Stamp - Commish Open by lynkx-ie

Some of you might notice that I wasn't really active on DeviantART this last month.
This has two different reasons:

First of: I'm very busy with my real life. I have never been this happy as I'm now cause I seem to finally have found my inner balance which results in an endless feeling of joy (Oó I now sounds weird....)Which means: Less time for things like internet, chat and drawing^^

As happy as I'm with my personal life as frustrated am I with my art. Which brings us two reason two: I totally lost my drawing drive, my motivation to draw, my artistic spirit... seems like there isn't anything of it left since the only things I drew this past month are bad scetches and lines. All attemps to color even these ended in a total disaster.
Something happened this month that got me to question my art... very serious. Till I figured a way out of my artistic depression I think there won't be any art from me. I'm especially apologizing to my traders and the people I owe prizes. You will get your pics!
Another thing I have to figured out is if the reason I'm here on deviantart is the same as when I first registered on this side.
Lately I'm easly frustrated by some things happen here, as the place grows to become a childish pre-14 drama zone and a place, where people don't communicate with each other but only strive for popularity and pageviews and even sacrifice there individualty for it.
'Nough said. Rant over...

So current state:
Real Life Me: Happy as a rainbow colored, pink-glasses wearing bunny :XD:
Artistic Me: Drown in a deep black sea of endless frustration -.-

I collect money for WWF

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7 min read
Art Status Commission Info

dA Stamp - Requests Closed by lynkx-ie da Stamp - Art Trades Open by lynkx-ie dA Stamp - Commish Open by lynkx-ie

I was featured in Wint3rHeart's journal. :3

1- I will add the first 14 people to comment on this journal to the Promotional List.

2- For each of those 14 people, I will put their avatar and three deviations I like from their gallery on the list.

3- If I feature you, you'll have to do the same in your journal, putting me on the first place, completing this way the list with 14 people.

Don't you find it funny that people will back off to get featured if they have to feature other people in return?

So here are the featured artist ^^;

:thumb119720474: :thumb121570903: :thumb131634518:

:thumb117266219: :thumb115002909: :thumb80054733:

Dance dance by khugin Avalon Fursuit ref by khugin

Mature Content

Good and bad dreams by khugin

The Sky Is My Canvas by JustBelieveCosplay Don't Eat 'Em by JustBelieveCosplay The Mysterious Sjamana by JustBelieveCosplay

Heiko for Riley by Mutabi Arttrade Aeolianna by Mutabi May exchange by Mutabi

...and we followed. by WoelfinNishi APH Wolfinized:Greece n Turkey by WoelfinNishi A light in the darkness -CO- by WoelfinNishi

I collect money for WWF

Friends :heart:

My partners in crime
:heart:Best Friends:heart::iconwindshade888::iconkhugin::iconwoelfinnishi::iconszmeterlog::iconsterlingkato::iconchameleonbot::iconmutabi:
:star:Nice Guys:star::icondarkheavenofwolves::icondarketernalnight::iconthekarelia::iconitfaraday::iconypsilonx:

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Taking a break by Rayvanna, journal

Free Scetches - 6 Spots open by Rayvanna, journal

Feature Spots =3 by Rayvanna, journal

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