I don't have a lot to say about myself. I'm filling this little bit out just because it was there.
Current Residence: Off yonder
Favourite genre of music: Just about anything
Favourite photographer: Hmm.. o.o Not a clue
Favourite style of art: Style style style... anything but my style?
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iTunes
Shell of choice: ... It's a trick question, isn't it?
Wallpaper of choice: The one in the background of my computer!
Skin of choice: o.- Usually the kind that's my own
Favourite cartoon character: Dynamo *grin* Gojyo Kimba... Scar...
Personal Quote: ... I don't buy foreign toasters.
Nub! I am on your page!
Whatcha gonna do about it?
Gasp! How dare
Am sitting on yo page, leaving coolie crumbs!
You better be cleaning those up!