It's RavenDiablo's birthday week!
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Blanche Shows off Beautiful Back in Sexy Holiday Dress!

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  • Jan 14
  • United States
  • Deviant for 10 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

Please read my journal entries for updates!!

New:  I have been getting more requests lately, but apparently I am having trouble with those with new accounts either cancelling them or getting them cancelled.    It takes time to go through a request and outline the details only to see a new account cancelled a few days later. So I am now posting a new rule that you MUST have at least a 3 month old account with DA before making a request with me and for a commission, you must be a year with DA.  I am sorry, no exceptions.

For those that want more information about a free request, these are my general rules:

1) Must be 2 characters or less

2) Will be based on what it is you want.

3) Will be based on if I can use what is in my currently library.  Anything I purchase will be passed on to the requestor, in which the job becomes a commission.

4) Will be based on my available time.  If your project takes more than a week, I might make it a commission.

5) Don't make a request too involved, more details means more time and might push you into commission territory.

Old News:

Due to time constraints as of late, I am going to apologize ahead of time for not offering my thanks for Llama's given. So I am going give my thanks now ahead of time for any that offer kind gestures of appreciation. While I will return and give my thanks personally, it will be during times when my schedule isn't so busy. I will continue to personally thank those that favor specific items, however. Thank you for your understanding.

Favourite Visual Artist
Thomas Kinkade and H.R. Giger
Favourite Movies
Mostly Anything By Disney. Marvel, Action, Sci-Fi.
Favourite TV Shows
Firefly, Farscape, Star Trek, Mythbusters, Stranger Things
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pretty much anything from the 70's & 80's
Favourite Books
Mostly anything by DK publishing
Favourite Games
Pac Man, Asteroids, Space Invaders, good old school stuff! Shadow Of The Colossus / Ico
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation 3, Playstation 2, MAME
Tools of the Trade
Pencils, Inkscape, Gimp, Vixen, Miku Miku Dance (MMD), Manga Studio 5 (just learning)
Hello All Deviants! I am going to be making some changes to my page as I am slowly preparing to take on a core membership. For starters, I am changing the Tip Jar. I never liked the idea of taking people's money and not offering something in return. So this is what I am going to do. The tip jar will be there for generous donations, but what I am going to offer is exclusive peeks into future stories allowing those to see characters before I release them! Yes! Also, I plan to release characters there that I created, but will not be using in a story. Characters that I feel I will not use. Perhaps I can get some opinions on them, etc. But mainly what I post on the Tip Jar level. This will also give some enticement for those that subscribe to the Tip Jar to continue to do so. So for this month I had started by posting some extra pictures of Xenomorph Hybrid, Ripley 9. I have also posted an early look at the characters I will be using for the bullied girl story where
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I know it is late, but here are some videos of my Halloween Display for this year: This is my Halloween display in the daytime: demonstration of my scares in action! is my Halloween display at dusk: hope you like it!For this year, my main feature is an interactive Electric Chair. What I did was to have Trick or Treaters sit in the chair and then I would push a button to start the sequence as you see in the video. The red lights and a warning alarm would sound. This would be followed by a start up or wind up sound of a motor or something "big", then the electrocution would start. There would be a sound of electricity over the "motor" sound and then a vibrator under the seat would shake the chair and whomever was sitting in it. Then I would hand out candy to the occupant afterwards. If there was more than one Trick Or Treater, it was just rinse and repeat! For my scare this year, I had broke
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Hello all! I have a special journal entry and it is in regards to a local movie theater that had shuttered it's doors in 2016, one that I hadn't stepped foot in, in over 20 years, that had finally made a comeback and reopened this past July. I am talking the South Bay theater: Now, going back in the day. This was a theater that was introduced to me by my sister back in the late 70's and back then it was a trio. It was a beautiful theater and one of the best in the neighborhood. But through the 80s and 90s when theaters had given rise to the multiplex, the South Bay Trio had fell out of favor. Somewhere along the lines they had divided it further and it became very seedy and dilapidated by then and I ceased to go there. The theater fell into disrepair and it eventually closed. Upon hearing of its closure, I thought the theater was doomed and it would eventually be repurposed into
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Profile Comments 279

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ZeusZuu's avatar

I really love your artwork

24957's avatar

thank you 😊

RavenDiablo's avatar

You're Welcome!

Pickgameru's avatar

Hi i am from Russia :)

RavenDiablo's avatar

Hi! I am from the USA!