707RattyAbz04 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rattyabz04/art/707-641829920RattyAbz04

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RattyAbz04's avatar




I may or may not be addicted to this game >//< I haven't played Seven's route yet, but I can't wait until I do.

So far I've done Yoosung's route, but then my game data disappeared after an update, so I had to start all over again. But instead, I decided to do Zen's route, because I didn't want to play the same route twice in a row.
I'm trying to decide whether to play Yoosung's route again or go to Jaehee's route next (because I heard that's the best order to do it). But I don't know. I think I might even do Jaehee's route and then Jumin and 707's. Then I'll go back to do Yoosung's route again :/

I don't even know.
And I just realised it's midnight.
I should probably go to bed now XD
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AnyGiadis's avatar
OHHH my loord! 707!!!
Good Job!! I aplaude you ^^