Pokemon Bottlecap SetRashasa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rashasa/art/Pokemon-Bottlecap-Set-227242160Rashasa

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Pokemon Bottlecap Set



Well, it's been a while since I've uploaded anything much less any more bottlecaps but here are some new ones, finally!
I did the Generation I and II starters, the eeveelutions, and a couple miscellaneous ones my bros asked for. XD Oh, and a Pokemon egg (why not).
All of these are for sale if anyone is interested. Comment or note me if you are interested in any of them and I'll update with which ones are sold. A jumpring for a necklace or a keychain can be attached as well.
Glaceon - sold
Umbreon - sold
I can also do custom caps of whatever you want (fanart, ocs, etc). Again, note me if you want to discuss it. :)
Image size
2398x2390px 8.36 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Rashasa
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Pikachu-28's avatar
jolteon and flareon are so cute!