My affiliates have full access to all my peafries with no limited slots, unless it’s specified on the ref (I keep the right to lmite my favorites etc)
Unless we work it together, I’m not doing the breeding pictures. I’ll not deign the foals either unless you want me to do it, and we can talk about it.
The following DA members are my affiliates :
All my peafries unless they have limited slots are open for breeding.
All I ask is either one roll more for me, or another slot from one of your peafries in trade . I’ll not do the breeding picture unless we decide to do it together.
* For Gems,and other slot limited horses, please contact me for infos.
* NO inbreeding !
* I would like to know beforehand if you decide to sell any geno / foal resulting from the breeding you asked for, so I have a chance to eventually adopt them in priority
* In case of twins, I'd like to be able to talk about what we'll do