The Dark Side of the DragonsRandomVanGloboii on DeviantArt

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RandomVanGloboii's avatar

The Dark Side of the Dragons



1. Growl to me
2. Breathe (fire)
3. On the flight
4. Time (you know, the long time dragons usually live)
5. The great wings in the sky
6. Money (the one in a hoard)
7. Us and them (a tragic poem about dragons and humans)
8. Any scale color you like
9. Paw damage
10. Eclipse (the one caused by a dragon flying between your eyes and the sun)

Dragons by Elevit-Dragon-Stock
Pen by Ruliani (Noun project)

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1429x1417px 2.22 MB
© 2017 - 2025 RandomVanGloboii
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