Ai users aren't artists they're customers now frick off~
I am a student of Tolkien's genius and I will not stand for Amazon's butchery of his work.
But how can I, a writer of fanfiction, so easily dismiss the right of another to make what is, essentially, fanfiction?
I dismiss not the right to work it, but the claim that anyone who finds it abhorrent is evil.
Yet, Amazon's "Rings of Power" isn't even *bad* fanfiction- The people writing it hate Tolkien, hate what he stood for, hate what he wrote. "Rings of Power" is not fanfiction, it's an assault, it's meant to be a correction- and I simply will not have it.
If you think that the defense of a canon I find near sacred makes me a villain, you need not expose yourself to me. I have nothing against you.
Thank you for the fav!!
thank you for the lovely art!
Thank you for faving,
I greatly appreciate the support!
your work is so pretty and fanciful! I'm really glad to have found it :)
Thank you! We have the same opinion on Rings of Power
I'm so glad to have found a fellow Tolkien Scholar. We need to stick together, these days.
Thank you very much for the watch and alle the faves❤🥺🥰