Hey there my name is Ian and i am a comic penciler (not professional though), i'm also a pretty good inker, and i try my had occasionally at being a colorist using Photoshop and my tablet
i'm currently working on my own comic called "Bullets, Tictacs, and Favors" if you browse my gallery you can prolly find some concept art of it
I started learning how to draw through How to draw the MARVEL way by Stan Lee and i got this great account to show off some of my art and i got some great advice by some talented artists. Then i picked up Dynamic Figure Drawing by David Finch which helped me out a bunch and helped me develop a style
if you are a budding comic artist don't be too shy to ask me any questions, for any of the questions i can't answer i can prolly direct you to some of my DA friends that could give you better advice
I'm also interested in animation here's a link to my hand drawn video:
Current Residence: Thailand
deviantWEAR sizing preference: small i guess
Favourite genre of music: Metal!!!!! \m/ \m/
Favourite photographer: My bro and Peter Parker lolz
Favourite style of art: Western Comic Style
Operating System: Win 7
MP3 player of choice: Sony Walkman
Shell of choice: the kind that coats an M&M, and the one that sells gas
Wallpaper of choice: Video games, Comic art, or my art
Skin of choice: Preferably my own
Favourite cartoon character: Bart & Homer Simpson
Personal Quote: If you want it done, go do it your self