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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (72)
My Bio

Hey there my name is Ian and i am a comic penciler (not professional though), i'm also a pretty good inker, and i try my had occasionally at being a colorist using Photoshop and my tablet

i'm currently working on my own comic called "Bullets, Tictacs, and Favors" if you browse my gallery you can prolly find some concept art of it

I started learning how to draw through How to draw the MARVEL way by Stan Lee and i got this great account to show off some of my art and i got some great advice by some talented artists. Then i picked up Dynamic Figure Drawing by David Finch which helped me out a bunch and helped me develop a style

if you are a budding comic artist don't be too shy to ask me any questions, for any of the questions i can't answer i can prolly direct you to some of my DA friends that could give you better advice

I'm also interested in animation here's a link to my hand drawn video:


Current Residence: Thailand
deviantWEAR sizing preference: small i guess
Favourite genre of music: Metal!!!!! \m/ \m/
Favourite photographer: My bro :D (Big Grin) and Peter Parker lolz
Favourite style of art: Western Comic Style
Operating System: Win 7
MP3 player of choice: Sony Walkman
Shell of choice: the kind that coats an M&M, and the one that sells gas :P (Lick)
Wallpaper of choice: Video games, Comic art, or my art
Skin of choice: Preferably my own
Favourite cartoon character: Bart & Homer Simpson
Personal Quote: If you want it done, go do it your self

Favourite Visual Artist
Jim Lee, Ed Benes, John Buscema, Zach Howard, Dan Luvisi, David Finch, Kevin Sharpe, Brian Ching
Favourite Movies
Action, Scifi, Horror, or a combo of any of those
Favourite TV Shows
Fresh Prince, Simpsons, Angel, HIMYM, The Big Bang Theory
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Metallica, Linkin Park, Pantera, Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, Machine Head, DEATH, Paramore, Skillet
Favourite Books
Halo, Skulduggery Pleasant, Warhammer 40k
Favourite Writers
Stan Lee, Michael Crichton, S.D. Perry
Favourite Games
Doom (the full series), Halo trilogy, all mario games, and any shooter
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo DS, Wii, and my PC
Tools of the Trade
Staedtler Mars technico 780C, H & HB lead, Pigma Microns, brush pen, Wacom Bambo Pen&Touch
Other Interests
Video games, animating, drawing, drums, guns, a little bit of guitar, piano
or the closest to it  who screen caps it gets onejust PM me or comment and i'll draw you something that you want ;D
anonymous's avatar
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Hey everybody who cares, i forgot to link this vid of me speed drawing a little batman portrait.  Its only a test for now, because i need to get good camera angles and lighting, plus there's like random music in iti'll try to make my other videos of a higher production value =PAnyhoo here's the vid:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrNY-zlLQjUi hope to bring alot more drawing vids on this channel so if you want to you can subscribe or thumbs up or both if you want =P
anonymous's avatar
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first of all i would like to thank all of my watchers and random viewers of my work for giving me 6000 VIEWSyou're support has really made a differencethis is my skill when i started out:http://rambo1911.deviantart.com/art/Me-123503979?q=gallery%3Arambo1911%2F10478268&qo=114and this is me a year+ laterhttp://rambo1911.deviantart.com/art/Self-Portrait-2-dev-id-197978034?q=gallery%3Arambo1911&qo=0now speaking of my portraits i was wondering if ishould do portrait comissions like this:http://rambo1911.deviantart.com/art/Self-Portrait-2-dev-id-197978034?q=gallery%3Arambo1911&qo=0for about 5-15$ a popi would appreciate any feed backthank you al...
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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jokimon's avatar
Hey this is joon. That color drawing is really well done
raMbo1911's avatar
thanx man appreciate it! your art is pretty tight too man i like your style
dzioo's avatar
thank you for the watch!
Devilomsorgar's avatar
Dude, you still come around here? Hahaha
raMbo1911's avatar
haha sometimes i go but i'm not as active as i used to be since i got to college lolz
Devilomsorgar's avatar
Braaaaahhhh you still drawing and shit? You better be bro. I wanna see you get a tight pussy comic published man!

College sucks man. I graduate next year though. End of next fall.

How's everything going though man? Still living in Thailand or did you come back to the States for college?