Celebrate DeviantArt's 15th Birthday! by Heidi, journal
Celebrate DeviantArt's 15th Birthday!
As DeviantArt enters its 15th year on the Internet, we want to take a moment before blowing out our candles to thank the community for allowing us the honor of hosting the site that you call your home for art. After all, it's the community's 15th birthday, too, and in the past few months, we've been making it our top priority to share with you our plans for the future, celebrate the successes of our past, and look to you for guidance on how best we can serve each of you while entering this new phase of DeviantArt's existence. Featured TwitterFacebookGoogle+ As DeviantArt enters its 15th year on the Internet, we want to take a moment befor...
Introducing Sketch This: Daily Drawing Challenges by Heidi, journal
Introducing Sketch This: Daily Drawing Challenges
DeviantArt is excited to announce Sketch This – daily drawing challenges encouraging artists of all skill levels to explore new techniques, emotions, and subjects with their art, while having fun interacting with the DeviantArt and SketchBook communities. Sketch This is directly integrated inside Autodesk® SketchBook® mobile app for iOS and Android.TwitterFacebookGoogle+ Available now! DeviantArt is excited to announce Sketch This – daily drawing challenges encouraging artists of all skill levels to explore new techniques, emotions, and subjects with their art, while having fun interacting with the DeviantArt and SketchBook communities. ...
How to make UTAU english and create an UTAUloid by Yukimarufan, journal
How to make UTAU english and create an UTAUloid
Okay, so this is a tutorial on how to make your own utauloid and how to make the program UTAU English. First off, to you new creators out there, do not make your characters look like vocaloids; it's stupid and not very creative. Make your own designs. What you'll need is a microphone, a program that records, and a folder with the name of your UTAUloid. You'll also need to know how to pronounce the language you want to do.Since my utauloid is Japanese, most of my helping will lean towards the Japanese voice bank making. Your recordings need to clear and not too loud. This is just a rumor that I've been hearing, but apparently if you make yo...
Based on Macintosh Speech Synthesis Programming Phonemes list http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/SpeechSynthesisProgrammingGuide/Phonemes/Phonemes.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004365-CH9-SW1 Pronunciation Notes th= th atTH= th umbzh=mea s ureae = b a tey = b ai tao = c au ghtax = a boutiy = b ee teh = b e tih = b i tay = b i teix = ros e saa = f a theruw = b oo tuh = b oo kux = b u dow = b oa taw = b ou toy = b oy Reclist ae ey ao ax iy eh ih ay ix aa uw uh ux ow aw oybae bey bao bax biy beh bih bay bix baa buw buh bux bow baw boyaeb eyb aob axb iyb ehb ihb ayb ixb aab uwb uhb uxb owb awb oybch...
How to create an UTAUloid by Visa-to-America, literature
How to create an UTAUloid
Hello, thanks for clicking this.
In this tutorial, I will tell you a bit more about how to make an UTAUloid.First, you must ask yourself:What language do I want to make my UTAUloid sing in?Most people use so called "recording lists", also known as "reclist" to record the sounds used for their UTAUloid. Without a reclist, recording is almost impossible for a newbie like you.These links have a lot of great reclist.
Maybe you can find one that is for your language! =)http://vocaloidotaku.net/index.php?/topic/7319-cv-vc-japanese-expect-new-reclist-out-soon/
Two CV VC lists: One in Japanese, one in Bulgarian.http://vocaloidotaku.net/index.php?/...
its a first time i'm writing something like this..please bear with me :") How long have you been on DeviantArt?
=> around September 2014... What does your username mean?
=> well.... its my name + my birth date + my last 2 digit birth year >:3 Describe yourself in three words.
=> cheerful chubby guy~ Are you left or right handed?
=> Right please~ What was your first deviation?
=> KYAAAA ITS EMBARASSING~~ What is your favourite type of art to create?
=> Digital art, and photography~ If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be?
=> DIGITAL ARTS!!!!~~ What was your first favourite?
What type of art do...