Current Residence: New Jersey
Favourite genre of music: Dance Techno, Tribal, Orchestral, Japanese (traditional and dance)
Favourite photographer: Myself
Favourite style of art: Anime
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Windows Media Player
Shell of choice: Dlex metal armor- Standard Issue acid resistant type
Wallpaper of choice: Alien vs Predator's Scar wall paper
Skin of choice: Ooman skin.. I skin oomans..
Favourite cartoon character: Bart Simpson from the Simpsons, Yamcha from DBZ, Brock Samson from the Venture Brothers, Sailor Moon
Personal Quote: Fuck you Robert Rodriguez, Fuck You!
Thank you for the FAVES!
... for always leaving favs
... again for even more favs
... for more favs again
Thanks for the favorite!
Thanks for the favorite!
Thanks for the favorite!