I like simple things ,like the rain,the nature,the feeling of grass under my bare feets.Music,movies,walking,the smell of the forrest and to walk by the sea and the sound of the wawes. Some look only for materials and think that money, fancy cars and big houses can make them happy,.
They devote all time running after money and forget about simple things.
Money will not tell you that they love you and will not make you coffe in the morning, will not hug you and kiss you and will not make your day......
Current Residence: Sweden
Favourite genre of music: Indie,pop
Favourite photographer: Marta Eva LLamera
Favourite style of art: photo
Operating System: Windows 8
Personal Quote:The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.
EMAIL: ilikethefallingrain@gmail.com
SKYPE id: ilikerain65